The second rune puzzle in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 has you looking for a set of three runes in a settlement that’s been wiped out by draugar. It’s named Freyslaug, but no one says that in game. You’ll come across the puzzle shortly after you find the slavemaster on the beach at the end of chapter 1, “Reykjanesta,” and find the village in chapter 2, “Freyslaug.”
Our Hellblade 2 guide will show you where to find the three runes in the draugar-ravaged settlement of Freyslaug.
Where to find the draugar settlement puzzle runes in Hellblade 2
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
Once you make your way through the village, you’ll come to a rune-locked gate and a hanging body that blocks your progress. To get past, you’ll have to find three runes — they look roughly like a backwards K, a T-ish one, and a K.
To find the runes, you’ll have to explore the village and play with perspective a bit.
First Freyslaug rune location
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
Turn around from the gate and follow the main path through town back the way you came. The path will curve to the right and you’ll spot a body tied to a post. You might notice that it’s glowing red (or maybe it’s paint — definitely just paint). There is an angled post branching from it. In the distance, you’ll see another angled post leaning in the other direction.
Back away from the body tied to the post until the perspective lines up to match the (the rune that looks like a combination of a T and a Y — it’s called algiz). Use focus by pulling one of the triggers on your controller to lock it in.
Second Freyslaug rune location
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
From the first rune, turn around again. If you head into the second house on your right, you’ll be able to snake through it onto a road to the right. There’s a ledge in front of you that we’re heading for, but we have to go the long way.
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
Take a left, and follow the road all the way to the end — you’ll be heading back toward the gate. You’ll come to another house. Snake through this one too, and take a right when you duck through the second doorway. Head up the wooden ramp and follow the path back the way you came.
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
When you reach that ledge we spotted earlier, look toward the rune gate. Use focus again to spot the K-shaped rune made out of another set of red posts.
Third Freyslaug rune location
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
Drop off the ledge and head back into the center of the settlement. You’ll pass a burned out area on your left. Head all the way up to the rune gate and then take a left to follow along the fence.
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
On the back side of the house there, pass through the destroyed wall. Head inside and up the ladder on the right.
Image: Ninja Theory/Xbox Game Studios via Polygon
When you step out onto the platform, take a couple steps to the right, and then turn left to find the final, backward-K rune.