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Are you real, Editor?
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Do you use A.I. to determine whether or not a letter to the editor can be posted?
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J.D. round
(We wish! Nope, it’s a mere human who digs through the letters to pick the best of them. But if it were AI, wouldn’t it want you to think it was a human?)
Wasted consultation
So after weeks of phoney consultations with the Calgary taxpayers and homeowners our mayor, Gondek and 9 hateful councillors have decided to go ahead with a blanket rezoning of housing in Calgary. Democracy be damned. The only reason Gondek felt that she could ignore our wishes was because of the 188 million dollar housing bribe that Trudeau promised her. In response, I think that Premier Smith should withhold transferring 188 million provincial dollars to Gondek for doing a run-around with Trudeau.
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Glenn William Cunningham
(Holding back funding only hurts the people who need it most, not those who made the bad decisions.)
Just taxing us more
OMG, the City of Calgary can’t keep up with illegal suites and legal suite inspections, so now city council, the hateful 8, are giving money for people to build more suites. How will the inspections go for these suites and who’s footing the bill? Once again the Calgarian tax payers or JT. Where, oh where does all this money come from? Next up is the Green Line from nowhere to downtown, carrying no one, is yet to be built. This council of NON-listeners has GOT TO GO NOW!
David Ross
(Pretty sure the suite money is only available after inspection, so maybe this is just a way to ensure work for said inspectors until the end of time.)
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Truth in numbers
Chrystia Freeland is happy to tell us that annualized inflation for last month was only, yes only, 2.7%. As if she had anything to do with it. We are to feel good that stuff was only a little more expensive in April than in March, which was more expensive than stuff in February, which was still more expensive than previous months. Ask anyone who buys groceries, clothes and even hardware and they’ll tell you prices are way too high. Is this another case where liars figure and their figures lie? When you are in control of the math you can make the figures support your arguments of lowering inflation. No you say, that can’t be, the Liberals lying to make themselves look good! Boy, I wish my pension would go up each month.
Tom Burns
(If the feds had the wisdom to doctor the numbers and this is what they came up with we are in very dire straights.)
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