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Oh, dear Stanley Cup, why don’t you come home? Thirty-one years away from home is not good for anybody. It is time you start thinking of coming home. Don’t you think so? Whatever we Canadians did, we are sorry for that, but we miss you and we want you to come home.
So, please come home. Coast to coast, Canada wants you to come home. You belong to Canada. It is OK to be away from your birth country for some time, but home is home.
Don’t forget: Canada Day is coming. Can you imagine what kind of celebration it will be from coast to coast when you come home? There will be fireworks and we will all be singing Wasn’t That a Party by the Irish Rovers.
Can you imagine what kind of celebration it will be from coast to coast? Well, Stanley, I think I have said enough, but I know you will make the right decision by coming home.
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Are the Ottawa taxi industry and its legal representatives for real?
Having won a lawsuit against the city for the latter’s imprudent actions when Uber and other ride shares entered the market, they now propose an additional fee be imposed on innocent riders to cover their compensation and “save taxpayers.” What planet do they live on?
The city screwed up, the city lost the case, let the city pay. As a taxpayer, I’m certainly not enthralled with what costs this settlement may impose on city expenses. Nevertheless, if council’s ill-advised actions carry no penalty, there is little incentive for councillors to act more judiciously in future matters. And Lord knows some of the current lot certainly need to be held to account for many of their precipitous and sometimes bone-headed decisions.
No fee, no surcharge. Let the city settle and pay for its own errors.
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