— David R. Koenig, QRD®, President and CEO of The DCRO Institute
GLOBAL, ORGANIZATION, July 3, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The DCRO Institute, the world’s leading source of risk governance training and credentials for board members and C-suite executives, announced today the launch of the Qualified Risk Director® Governance Council 2.0.
Initially formed in 2013 to craft the well-received Qualified Risk Director® Guidelines, the reconstituted council today focuses on fostering the global adoption of the credential, standards for maintaining approval to use it, and placement of those given permission to use the designation. Its twenty-one members come from nine countries on five continents.
“I had the pleasure to chair the first Qualified Risk Director® Governance Council and to work with its twenty-five board members and C-level executive to define what makes someone holding this designation uniquely valuable to organizations,” said David R. Koenig, QRD®, president and chief executive officer of the DCRO Institute. “Since we began to approve leaders to use this designation formally late in 2021, the reception has been remarkable, and the impact they are having where they serve is enormous.”
Qualified Risk Directors® focus on the positive governance of risk-taking®. That’s an expression that captures the essence of how the original governance council formed the guidelines. Any board governing in a complex business environment needs Qualified Risk Directors® to ably fulfill the Duty of Care around innovation and resiliency. Opportunity, uncertainty, and volatility are not in retreat. Rather, the speed of innovation and change is rapidly accelerating. Investors, business partners, regulators, and boards now expect to see top risk governance skills on boards of directors.
To meet that demand, Qualified Risk Directors® bring a unique blend of business acumen, senior executive experience, general leadership experience, strong educational backgrounds, and risk governance acumen to their board roles. “For many board members and senior executives, the business and leadership attributes are there in full force,” said Koenig. “The DCRO Institute then provides them with intensive training and evaluation to help them build the risk governance acumen to complement the risk-taking acumen they already bring to their roles.” Candidates must have breadth and depth across all these areas to receive approval.
QRD®s, as they are also known, now serve on boards in over 40 countries on six continents.
The fundamental Duty of Care for directors around risk is to ensure that our organizations take risks well in pursuit of our goals and ambitions. The Qualified Risk Director® is a professional designation conferred internationally exclusively by the DCRO Institute. It recognizes the distinguished ability to link corporate strategy to the positive governance of risk-taking®. Permission to use the designation is granted to experienced board members and senior executives from diverse industries, experiences, and geographies who meet our high standards.
DCRO Institute Qualified Risk Director® Governance Council Members include:
• Lale Develioglu, QRD®, Chair (Türkiye)
• Yvonne Stillhart, QRD®, Vice Chair (Switzerland)
• Pierre Bernier, QRD®, Secretary (Canada)
• Eneni Oduwole, QRD® (Nigeria)
• Curtis Stephens, QRD® (United States)
• Susan Holliday, QRD®, Standards Chair (United States)
• Bill Raab, QRD®, Standards Vice Chair (United States)
• Willie Maddox, QRD®, Standards Secretary (United States)
• Jigisha Desai, QRD® (United States)
• Erkan Dogan, QRD® (Türkiye)
• Pam Garzone, QRD® (United States)
• Yeşim Güra, QRD® (Belgium)
• Deirdre Hannigan, QRD® (Ireland)
• Domenica Lista, QRD® (Italy)
• Lucie Claire Vincent Ortiz, QRD®, Marketing and Placement Chair (United States)
• Marianne Hewitt, QRD®, Marketing and Placement Vice Chair (United States)
• John Howard, QRD®, Marketing and Placement Secretary (United States)
• Catharine de Lacy, QRD® (United States)
• Ana Gati, QRD® (Brazil)
• Virginia Reynolds Parker, CFA, QRD® (United States)
• David R. Koenig, QRD®, ex-officio (United States)
About the DCRO Institute – The DCRO Institute is the world’s leading source of risk governance credentialing and peer communities. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit peer collaboration among board members and C-Suite executives from around the world. The DCRO Institute is the home of the Qualified Risk Director® designation, the Certificate in Risk Governance®, and the Certificate in Cyber Risk Governance®. We work globally to bring risk expertise to the boardroom and C-suite by teaching the positive governance of risk-taking®. Graduates from our programs are leaders in boardrooms and C-suites in over sixty countries on six continents. Our goal, which is emblazoned on our logo, is to help organizations Innovate, Sustain, and Create Value. Visit www.dcroi.org to learn more. Read testimonials about the DCRO Institute’s programs at www.dcroi.org/testimonials.
For more information, please contact David R. Koenig at +1.612.286.1776 or by e-mail at david.koenig@dcroi.org.
David R. Koenig, QRD®
The DCRO Institute
+1 612-286-1776
email us here
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