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Wakeup call
By waffling on will he or won’t he attend the Stampede Parade, Justin Trudeau shows that the byelection loss in Eastern Canada has woke him up. Justin has about another eight-second ride as prime minister unless his ego explodes. Why can’t Justin just go on an endless vacation? If Justin retired right now, many Canadians could also with a lower cost of living. They keep working to afford the high prices of food and lodging. Time to go, grasshopper. Save Canada.
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Wayne Robertson
(Many Canadians would agree with you.)
Seeing red over Green Line
The infamous Green Line is a blatant waste of millions of taxpayers’ money for Calgary, as well as for the province of Alberta. This LRT expansion project should have been constructed years ago, when the city was still in the midst of its thriving oil and gas industry. Why close the barn door when the horses have already galloped away into the night?
Donald K Munroe
(The focus now should be on controlling costs.)
Let’s use less water
With a warming semi-arid climate, melting glaciers and a growing population, I think we should be using less water. Unfortunately, irrigation systems can increase consumption and waste. A friend once told me that his sprinklers come on every morning. It doesn’t matter if it’s been raining for 40 days and 40 nights. “Those big birches need a lotta watta.” I wouldn’t be surprised if more cities start paying property owners to replace thirsty lawns with drought-tolerant alternatives, alleviating the biodiversity crisis at the same time.
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Neil Shannon
(Sprinklers don’t need to be on every morning.)
Out of step
Does anyone need any more proof Justin Trudeau is totally out of control? Any guesses as to the cost (taxpayer-funded) of providing massive security while this fool dances and works the crowd at Markham’s Asian food festival? J.T. may have desperately needed a ‘shot in the arm’ … a brief step back in time when he was an international sensation, and had not yet completely alienated the majority of Canadians. I understand The Rt. Hon. will not be dispensing his charm and allure at the Calgary Stampede this year. Hmmm … any guesses as to why? Not prepared to be heckled and booed? Thoroughly ticked that George Chahal — J.T.’s only Calgary Liberal MP — is calling for a leadership review? In any event, he will not be missed. Keep on dancing, Justin — preferably at home — with your kids as your audience.
Barbara Jessiman
(Trudeau’s got bigger issues than his dance moves.)
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