Maharaj is Junaid Khan’s debut film.
The film Maharaj takes us back to the time period of about two hundred and fifty years ago.
Junaid Khan’s first movie Maharaj has scored a hit and ranked in the top 10 countries among the list of 22 in Netflix. The story reveals the real-life historic court case and uncovers the harsh truth of the Babas who exploit women in the name of religion. The film Maharaj takes us back to the time period of about two hundred and fifty years ago, which is about a Vaishnavite religious leader, who is uniting the Vaishnav community. The Baba uses his sisters and daughters for Charan seva. His pass time is not only to have physical relations with an unmarried girl but also displaying her infront of his devotees. Instead of opposing him, people feel blessed by the fact that the Maharaj chose their daughter out of hundreds for this stage of service.
Karsandas Mulji, the role played by Junaid Khan, on the other hand, was a reformer and journalist writing in newspapers, who also ran a campaign against this very old tradition of service. When the already existing newspapers refused to publish his writings due to lack of evidence against the Maharaj, Karsandas started to print his own newspaper.
The film is based on the book Maharaj, by Saurabh shah, reflecting the incidents that are there in the film. The film highlighted the hypocrisy of Jadunath Maharaj expressing his intentions by pressing the thumbs of the hands of the girls who greeted him. It is a so-called tradition in our country where women were victimised and they were exploited in the name of religion.
The film inspired the audience with its storyline and social message, reflecting that the places of worship and religion are good for people. Instead of worshipping people who claim themselves God, we should focus directly on the divine. It also suggests that we should not blindly follow traditions.