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Another unanswered question
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Can the city please provide some clarification on watering from outdoor taps using hand-held containers. I have a container that was originally used for fertilizer. It is hooked up to a garden hose that is hooked up to an outside tap. Can I use it as it technically is a hand-held container?
Perry Huber
(The number of things requiring clarification are shocking. The city needs to get it’s communications together.)
Words matter
America, give yourselves a shake. Leadership starts at the top. That means Trump and Biden. President Biden said on July 8, “Trump needs to be in the bull’s-eye.” Well a dumb young American listened to his president and look what happened. People do listen to authority because they feel and believe they are serving and protecting. If Trump said something similar he would be vilified but, more importantly, a hot-headed young American would listen as well and possibly do the same. The problem is America and the American people, Black vs. white, rich vs. poor, educated vs. non-educated. Trump and Biden are very lucky (Trump more so) because if it had been a state funeral, the country would have been on its knees for the world to take. Shame on America. You should be better and can do better.
Andrew Kotys
(All of them need to bring it down a notch. But we are thankful the attempt on former President Trump’s life failed and he stood up and showed strength in that moment.)
Military spending
I have figured out how Trudeau plans to meet our 2% commitment to NATO. The Liberals do not intend to spend an extra dime on the military — instead, his fiscal policies will continue to drive the Canadian GDP to such low levels that we will hit the 2% requirement by 2032.
Dean Sutton
(A new government will have to change all of this.)
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