Sci-Five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On Gharials
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From which Hindi word do we get the name for Gharial?
- Ghara (pot)
- Ghati (valley)
- Ghora (horse)
- Ghari (clock)
When male gharials reach sexual maturity, they develop a bulbous, fleshy growth on the tip of their snout. It is from this “ghara”, the Hindi word for a type of round pot, that gharials came to have their name.
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Where do gharials live?
- Gangetic plains
- Pakistan to Myanmar
- Narmada basin
- Himalayas
Gharials were once widespread across South Asia, from Pakistan to Myanmar.
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How long ago did gharials split from the crocodilian tree of life?
- 1 million years ago
- 20 million years ago
- 40 million years ago
- 150 million years ago
Gharial sit on their own long branch of the crocodilian tree of life which split from all other crocodilians perhaps more than 40 million years ago.
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Why are gharials critically endangered?
- Damming and diversion of the rivers
- Overfishing
- Sand mining is harming their nesting areas
- All of the above
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Gharials are one of the biggest species of crocodilian. How big can they get?
- 3 metres
- 10 metres
- 6 metres
- 12 metres
Gharials are one of the biggest species of crocodilian. Male gharials can reach up to 6 metres in length.