Government has one job: to protect its citizens. Local, state, and federally, that’s their one duty.
But they’re failing to do that, whether through gross incompetence, mismanagement, or blatant disregard.
So this thread should be a wake up call to us all about how government 1) won’t protect us and 2) needs to be fundamentally changed.
Let me say this with some attempt at perspective. I experienced a home invasion today. Got off zoom calls and went into my bedroom to find a man going through my things. He’d been through the whole house.
I AM FINE. I just want to say something about this. 1/6— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
We are glad you’re okay.
But this is so scary.
I would love to say this without being attacked, but let’s see how this goes. First: Mister Rogers said When something scary happens, look for the helpers. My neighbors helped me. I am so grateful for them. That said, I wish 911 had picked up the first two times I called. 2/6
— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
We pay a not insignificant amount of taxes for public services like 911 operators and police. You should always get through to 911. Always.
I wish Oakland PD had come. It is now 7 hours later and I am still waiting. I don’t know if they will come before dark, but I’m going to stay with a friend tonight, so it’s likely now that I will miss them if they come at all. Sadly, that is expected in Oakland. 3/6
— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
Full disclosure: back in 2007, this writer’s apartment was broken into and her car was stolen. She sat outside in the cold October weather for hours waiting for Milwaukee police to show up.
Nothing ever came of their investigation, except they did locate her car (with a dead battery).
I wish this man had gotten mental health help. He seemed unwell. I wish he had not touched things that belong to my daughter. It’s just unnerving. She’s not here. We are all safe. But it’s unnerving. 4/6
— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
It’s a violation of the sanctity of your home.
This writer never felt safe in that apartment, and we moved in 2008.
I see this as a failure of state capacity on all levels. Perhaps that doesn’t surprise you. The failure to treat a man with mental illness. The failure of first response systems. The failure of law enforcement. 5/6
— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
It’s a failure at every level.
Politicize this all you want. It’s my experience and I will see it through my eyes. We need a government that does what it says it will do. We don’t have that. We have to fix that. I’m fine. But others aren’t. This isn’t okay. END
— Jennifer Pahlka (@pahlkadot) July 25, 2024
This has to be political, because politicians make the decisions — decisions about public mental health treatment, decisions about police budgets (hello, ‘defund the police’), decisions about what laws will/won’t be enforced.
They are choosing not to prioritize the things that keep communities safe and keep people — whether mentally unwell or violent criminals — off the streets and out of our homes.
Sadly California is an example of the perils of a one party state. They don’t care about solving problems because they don’t have to. Ultimately the only solution when something is so profoundly broken is to leave.
— Mike Maples, Jr (@m2jr) July 25, 2024
And every blue city controlled by Democrats.
Don’t worry, @MayorShengThao and Council President @Nikkiforallofus just passed a budget that will cut 300 public safety positions and cut zero non-public safety positions. They both issued press releases stating “this prioritizes public safety”. So, soon everyone will be safe.
— Moore On The Street (@Chris_Moore4Sup) July 25, 2024
Like we said: priorities.
They’re all wrong.
Pahlka, author of Recoding America, on state capacity. Even after reading Recoding, still shocked at poor performing bureaucracy. Bay Area rich, highest tax in nation. 7 hrs after she catches burgler in her house, no police. What’s the polisci of how govt services this bad occur?
— Kevin A. Bryan (@Afinetheorem) July 25, 2024
We’d love to know how things got this bad.
This doesn’t have to be the norm. We can fix this. All it takes is admitting the policies haven’t worked. Now change course, do the opposite of what has been done as it doesn’t work.
— Chef Andrew Gruel (@ChefGruel) July 25, 2024
This is the solution.
It doesn’t have to be this way.