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Dear Prime Minister:
The recent loss of a Liberal stronghold in a Toronto byelection should send a message to your party and the NDP who have been propping you up that the electorate will no longer tolerate your abuses of the public trust.
When I see headlines like: $223k for meals on PM’s trip; Parks Canada’s B.C. deer cull could cost $12 Million; Federal fund closed after scathing audit; Federal agencies ill-equipped to fight cybercrime: AG; and the ArriveCan app fiasco — only some of many idiotic wasteful things your government has done.
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Yes, you have finally done things to try and improve housing but it was your government that allowed in millions of immigrants/asylum seekers/foreign students fully knowing that there was no housing for them, thus helping to create a housing crisis.
It was your government that did nothing to stop foreign speculators and organized crime money launderers to drive up housing costs until it was too late to stop the damage they did for many Canadians seeking to buy a home.
And while I like receiving the Carbon Tax Rebate cheque, you did nothing to really explain how it works, because you probably don’t know yourself.
You and your government are wasting millions/billions on programs or projects that are not constitutionally the responsibility of the federal government (like a national student lunch program) but you do so to try and buy votes.
In your first election campaign you promised to bring in electoral reforms to replace the un-democratic first-past-the-post system we now have — but you lied on that one and never followed through.
Start packing your bags.
Richard G. Summers
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