The ultimate treasure hunt has begun in Roblox The Games, featuring several hidden locations. Finding 10 of them earns you 10 Shines, which can be exchanged for unique rewards in the Event Tracker. In this guide, we’ll show all Logo Tilt locations in the Roblox The Games event Hidden Treasure quest.
Roblox The Games event Hidden Treasure quest guide
Roblox The Games’ Logo Tilts will be scattered throughout the team-based hubs. You must find them in order, or else they will not spawn. For a complete overview, here are all the Roblox The Games event Hidden Treasure quest locations:
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 1

The first Roblox Logo Tilt can be found right at the start of your journey. It’ll be next to one of the pillars leading to the Giant Feet team’s hub.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 2

Now, travel to the Mighty Ninja’s hub and head to the captain’s station. You’ll see another Roblox Logo Tilt just behind them. You may also notice a color change to the item, which will now be blue. The rest of Hidden Treasures follow a similar color scheme, corresponding with the teams.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 3

For the next Logo Tilt in Roblox The Games event Hidden Treasure challenge, go to the Pink Warriors area. Look up, and you’ll see the item on the arch. Jump on top of the pillar on the left to reach this destination.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 4

Players must go to the Angry Canary section to discover the fourth Logo Tilt. If you look straight ahead, it will be inside a pillar. Hop over to it and claim it.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 5

Jump to the Crimson Cats hub to gather the next Roblox Logo Tilt. Walk over to the scoreboard to spot it by the cliff’s edge.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 6

Travel to the Giant Feet area to gather another item. Use the stairs directly ahead and look to the left for the Logo Tilt.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 7

Return to the Pink Warriors team hub and use the drop-down point beside the colored structures. After you’ve dropped down, take a right to claim the seventh Roblox Logo Tilt.

Roblox Logo Tilt Location 8

Go back to the Giant Feet destination and use the stairs, just like last time. Jump up the terrain to the right and travel across the arches. Keep walking up here; you’ll find the Logo Tilt on a structure.

Roblox Logo Tilt Location 9

One of the last Logo Tilts can be found in the Angry Canary area. Return to the same place where you found the fourth one. Then, hop on the silver structure to reach the ninth item.
Roblox Logo Tilt Location 10

The final Logo Tilt for the Roblox The Games Hidden Treasure quest is located at the Crimson Cats hub. Jump on the terrain in the back to reach the upper floor. Walk over to the Only Obby challenge and go up the hill toward the left.

Once you’ve reached the top, interact with the last Logo Tilt.

After you collect the last prize, you’ll complete the Roblox The Games event Hidden Treasure challenge. Use your 10 Shines in the Event Tracker to gather some exclusive materials.