Earth Defense Force 6 Review
While Earth Defense Force 6 doesn’t revolutionize the long-running series, the truth is, it didn’t need to. Fans of EDF know why they play these games. They expect to find a unique, over-the-top b-tier movie experience each time a new entry drops. Earth Defense Force 6 successfully continues this trend, offering a wacky, comical, and intense take on an alien invasion that threatens humanity’s existence.
If you’re new to the franchise, don’t expect to head into EDF 6 and find gorgeous environments or character models. Don’t expect a brilliant plot that weaves a nuanced narrative into an edge-of-your-seat thrill ride. Technical quality has never been Earth Defense Force’s strong suit – though developer Sandlot has never been interested in that. Instead, it’s always been their prime objective to deliver a flat-out fun experience. EDF 6 is no different. It’s a blast from start to finish and an excellent continuation of the series.
At its core, Earth Defense Force 6 retains the classic, familiar gameplay mechanics that longtime players adore: you take on the role of a soldier in an elite task force aiming to defend Earth from waves of oversized insects, alien creatures, and mechs. EDF has always done an excellent job of balancing chaos and strategy, and Earth Defense Force 6 wonderfully nails this. While you’re free to unleash mayhem with a plethora of weapons by your lonesome, coordinating with friends enhances the experience significantly.
EDF 5 Spoilers Ahead
What may surprise longtime fans of the franchise, however, is that Earth Defense Force 6 continues the story of EDF 5. Generally speaking, the EDF series tends to reboot every few releases. Given the events of EDF 5, wherein ‘God’ himself appears on Earth to annihilate the planet, most were assuming Sandlot’s latest would start anew. This isn’t the case. Instead, it continues a few years after the events of EDF 5, and it was refreshing to see how our heroes would respond to a level of catastrophe we hadn’t yet seen in the series.
EDF is also known for the insane number of weapons that can be acquired throughout its lengthy campaigns. Earth Defense Force 6 is chock-full of firearms, ranging from assault rifles and grenade launchers to miniguns, energy weapons, and so much more. But more impressive than the sheer number of tools at your fingertips is how entertaining the vast majority of them are to use. They’re not all home runs, but more often than not, you’re going to find something that devastates your enemy into a supremely satisfying pile of alien ooze. Just when I thought I had seen everything my arsenal had to offer, something new came along that entertained me in a whole new way – a true testament to the overall staying power of the gameplay loop.
Franchise Flaws
Of course, with a franchise designed to be reminiscent of a low-quality, b-tier film, a level of jank has always been present in the series. There’s a difference between something being so bad it’s good and something that just sucks. Earth Defense Force 6 is great fun, but after so many games that don’t address quality-of-life issues, it’s hard not to get frustrated with it at times. Controls are beginning to feel archaic and stiff. Whether this is intentional is irrelevant. The fact is, Earth Defense Force 6 doesn’t always feel great. Blasting away at a seemingly impossible number of enemies will always be fun, but future installments need to offer a more intuitive feeling when navigating the levels.
It also feels a bit too close to EDF 5 in terms of its presentation. Many enemies carry over from the previous game. Sound effects and loot boxes are identical to their predecessors. And the fact of the matter is, if you didn’t know any better, a lot of the time I couldn’t blame you if you assumed Earth Defense Force 6 was nothing but an expansive DLC. I wish it could plant its flag into the ground and carve somewhat of a unique identity for itself. Still, despite these shortcomings, this is another stellar entry that serves hundreds of hours of shoot-em-up bliss.
Final Thoughts
Earth Defense Force 6 doesn’t shy away from the franchise’s roots; instead, it embraces them with a tongue-in-cheek narrative and signature frantic combat. While some may groan that it doesn’t revolutionize the genre, it is a heartfelt homage to classic arcade shooters that, simply put, is a blast to play. From its engaging battles and improved visuals to its charmingly ridiculous story, this title is a worthy addition to any action game lover’s collection. Whether you’re tidying up your local city by exterminating massive alien critters or teaming up with friends for a co-op frenzy, Earth Defense Force 6 delivers an adrenaline-filled experience that champions the spirit of fun in gaming.
***Steam key provided for the purpose of this review***
The Good
- Signature, chaotic fun
- Weapons galore
- Destructible environments
- Cheesy, 80’s b-tier quality
The Bad
- Controls feel archaic
- Navigation can be bothersome
- May feel too similar to EDF 5