OnePlus has launched a special-edition variant of its book-style foldable OnePlus Open smartphone in India. Called the OnePlus Open Apex Edition, the smartphone is priced at Rs 1,49,999 and comes in a new Crimson Shadow colourway with 1TB of storage. It has a new VIP mode for privacy and a features suite of AI-powered image editing tools.Â
Lenovo has launched its maiden Copilot Plus PC, the Yoga Slim 7x in India. Powered by the Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite arm chip, the laptop offers generative AI features for text generation, text-to-image and media editing. Priced at Rs 1,50,990 onwards, the Yoga Slim 7x is now available in India.
Meta-owned Instagram has announced that “views” are going to be the primary metric across all media formats, including reels, live, photos, carousels and stories. Instagram currently shows different metrics for every content type; views will ensure that creators have the same metric across Instagram to track performance.
Samsung has announced discount offers and no-cost equated monthly instalment (EMI) options for its Galaxy S24 smartphone as part of the Independence Day sale. During the sale period, the standard model in the company’s flagship Galaxy S24 series will be available at a discounted price, starting at Rs 62,999. According to Samsung’s website, the limited period offer is applicable till August 13.
Motorola Edge 50 smartphone is now available for purchase in India. Launched on August 1, the latest entry into the Motorola Edge 50 series is touted by the maker as the world’s slimmest IP68 MIL-810H military graded certified durable smartphone, which can withstand dust, dirt and sand along with submersion in 1.5 metres of fresh water for up to 30 minutes.Â
Reddit is reportedly planning on asking users to pay for accessing some subreddits on the platform. According to The Verge, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman during an earnings call hinted at allowing “new types of subreddits that can be built that may have exclusive content or private areas.”
Google is set to host the “Made By Google” launch event on August 13 where it is anticipated to launch the next-generation Pixel Watch alongside the upcoming Pixel 9 series smartphones. According to a report by 9To5Google, the Pixel Watch 3 would likely be powered by the same chipset as its predecessor but could get a bigger battery and brighter display.
Streaming platform Disney Plus is planning to prohibit users from sharing their passwords with people outside their household. According to The Verge, Disney CEO Bob Iger said during the earnings call that the crackdown will kick off “in earnest” this September.Â
Women make up 36 per cent of India’s tech workforce; however, they remain underrepresented in executive roles. India lags with a 64 per cent gender disparity in AI leadership compared to global women leaders. As Gen AI adoption increases, the participation of women in the workforce is important for enhancing ethical outcomes in AI, said a report.
First Published: Aug 08 2024 | 8:03 PM IST