According to members of the civil service in the southern provinces of the country, they have been facing a lot of difficulties since the start of the census of public and similar employees organized by the health insurance mutuality for civil servants. Since July 29, the health insurance mutuality for civil servants has ordered its members who are beneficiaries of health and maternity insurance to participate in the census organized in all the districts of the country. Initially, the mutuality agents met them at the chief towns of the districts, as specified by the latter. But, according to them, they go to the census places to register, in vain. INFO SOS Médias Burundi
Some time later, they were informed that the weakness of the internet connection does not allow them to continue working in the chief towns of the districts.
The mutuality has informed its members to now go to the chief towns of the provinces.
As they were afraid of not being registered, these public agents and similar persons were forced to present themselves at the new meeting places despite the fact that they had already registered at the town centers of the respective districts without having been registered.
According to these mutuality insurance members, the situation has remained unchanged despite the call to meet them at the provincial town centers.
Some explain that they have presented themselves there at least three consecutive days and complain of returning empty-handed with the same reason : “weak internet connection”.
These mutual insurance members report that in addition to these numerous comings and goings from their original districts to the provincial town centers, some are staying in hotels in the hope of registering the next day if the internet connection is restored, without success.
They deplore large resources that this costs them when they were not expected.
They say they are worried about this organized census, especially since biometric cards issued by the same mutuality insurance company are not very old.
Some find that the mutuality insurance company agents wanted to take advantage of mission expenses while it is not even able to provide health and maternity insurance for members and similar groups.
They explain that when they present vouchers to receive care, whether in the mutuality insurance company’s pharmacies or those that collaborate with it, they return without being served due to a lack of medication.
On the side of the health insurance mutuality for civil servants, it is explained that this census aims to establish the real number of its subscribers in order to remove from the list those who are no longer part of the Civil Service, and to register new members.
This census began on July 29 and ended on Friday, August 8, but most of the members were not counted, according to sources within the mutuality insurance company.
Other affiliates claim not to have been informed of this census.