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Re: Brown-John: Vive la France for ‘magnificent’ Olympics opening … but not soccer’s FIFA (column, Aug. 2, 2024)
I don’t always agree with Lloyd Brown-John but this time, absolutely. Except … FIFA did what FIFA had to do: suspensions, fines, game penalties.
I ask why the Canadian women’s soccer team’s analyst thought he had to give Canada an extra edge in the Paris Olympics against New Zealand, which ranks 20 rungs below Canada. Give your head a shake. Barring a crazy upset, the match against New Zealand would have been three points in the bag.
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Also, were the eyes in the back of the head of Canada’s soccer team coach closed so that she didn’t notice the shenanigans? You don’t need an analyst — you need a spy to spy and report on your dumb spies.
The women’s soccer team came through despite the crap happening around the players. Beat New Zealand and France, with points for those wins offsetting FIFA’s six-point penalty. Subsequent win over Colombia netted three more points, so we were sort of back to square one — but fortunately into the playoffs.
To Soccer Canada: check out the spying history of both men’s and women’s teams. It’s been going on for ages. The shame.
Dirk Smit
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