One of the more laughable Democrat claims in this election season (among the many) is that Kamala Harris is the candidate who cares most about having a secure U.S. border.
Many millions of people have flowed into the country illegally since Joe Biden and Kamala “border czar” Harris have been in office, but the Dems continue to pretend it’s the Republican who don’t want a secure border, even while Kamala Harris appears in ads near Trump’s wall.
Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy is still trying to fool people into believing Harris and the rest of his party are the ones who care about border security, and in an interview he tried the “I cannot tell a lie” approach. This comes with a beverage warning:
Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT: “I can’t make up a story that’s not true. The truth is that Republicans don’t support cleaning up & addressing the border.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 26, 2024
When Murphy prefaces something by claiming what’s coming is not a lie, what follows will almost certainly be a lie.
So he just made up a story that’s not true.
— DrewInWisconsin (@DrewInWisconsin) August 26, 2024
Gaslighting detected!
Chris must live here.
— Kristi (@TheyCallMeNans) August 26, 2024
Murphy knows that the bill was never going to pass since the Dems put in provisions for citizenship for all the invaders of our country. Unvetted. Dangerous policy. par for his course
— kath (@Muskadoptme) August 26, 2024
Rank dishonesty is Murphy’s thing.
Here’s another example:
Trump owns the Afghanistan withdrawal. He cut a bad deal with the Taliban to withdraw (he takes credit for it!), forcing Biden to clean it up and making a chaotic exit practically inevitable.
— Chris Murphy
(@ChrisMurphyCT) August 26, 2024
MORE BS from the politician who says he’s incapable of pushing BS.
That wasn’t Trump who closed the airfield and opened up the prisons which led to the bottlenecking of people falling off wheelwells, and 13 soldiers being murdered
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 26, 2024
Trump didn’t “force” Biden to do anything.
And Trump certainly didn’t force Biden to abandon the Bagram Air Force base, refuse to give the order for snipers to take out the suicide bomber, or drone strike an innocent family.
You all are on steroids with the victim mentality.
— IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) August 26, 2024
Let me help: Trump’s deal was conditional; Biden went forth with no conditions. I know it is difficult for you to see the difference with your head up your ass. Also, Biden got rid of every other Trump foreign policy, why did he leave this one? You’re a hack.
— Erica Kaiser (@EricaKaiser_) August 26, 2024
Murphy can at times put Adam Schiff to shame when it comes to the number of brazen lies.
The withdrawal was 6 months after Joe was installed in office, Christopher. He and Kamala own that disaster.
— AdamInHTownTX (Not a KAMmunist) (@AdamInHTownTX) August 26, 2024
Not only that, but in 2021 Kamala Harris was happy to take co-ownership of the decisions that led to the deadly attacks we all saw. Now Dems like Murphy are trying to pin the Biden-Harris ineptitude on Trump.