I got put on to this by an email from TPM Reader MS.
It’s weird.
The background here is that back at the beginning of the Biden administration Mike “MyPillowGuy” Lindell started something called FrankSpeech Inc., a would-be right wing news channel which mainly does streaming. A few days ago FrankSpeech announced what it called a “going public transaction.” Not being very well versed in the world of deeply sketch over the counter stock events it took me a while to make sense of what this announceemnt was saying. But the gist is this: FrankSpeech Inc. (Lindell’s weirdo news network) is merging with a company called InCapta. The announcement doesn’t say what InCapta does other than that it is a “company renowned for over 46 years of excellence in business and development.”
It sounds like maybe InCapta is sort of like a zombie public company, kind of a shell that FrankSpeech can team up with and thus become a public company? Who knows? The key point being that the new entity “intends to uplist to a higher market tier, which will provide increased access to capital, liquidity, and expanded markets.”
Okay, don’t we all, I guess.
Anyway a few more details.
From what I can understand, InCapta first changes it’s name to FrankSpeech Network, Inc. Then it takes on FrankSpeech (Lindell’s operation) as a subsidiary (this involves a reverse stock split). This unites FrankSpeech with two other formerly independent companies that are now subsidiaries of FSBN – one outfit that seems to be an oldies music network for Trumpers (Leading Edge Radio Network) and another 19 year old company which specializes in “grocery salvage” and reclaimed dry goods.
They describe their work here …
Our banana boxes consist of shelf-pulls, overstock, close dated, closed dated slightly out of date and sometimes lightly damaged items such as creased or slightly dented cans but not on the seams or lightly creased or slightly crushed boxes. Our salvage grocery banana boxes are not cherry picked since they come direct to you from the reclamation grocery distribution center. Beware, some suppliers will bring their discount banana boxes into their warehouse and pick them clean of the profitable items and sell you the salvage for hefty profit, leaving you holding the bag. We don’t do that and never will. Most every box has a wide variety of wholesale groceries. Our banana boxes generally have 5-7 cereal boxes and other boxed items which may feature 30 -50 cans and various candy boxes may contain 200 – 300 candy bars or any combination thereof. Most of our surplus wholesale grocery banana boxes are mixed as they are pulled from grocery store shelves.
FrankSpeech Network Inc will go by FrankSpeech Broadcast Network (FSBN). It’s not clear to me whether the corporate name is different from the public facing name or whether they just forget which name they’d chosen in the course of editing the document.
In any case, can anyone who understand the OTC world better than I do explain this to me?
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