Back in 2007, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan teamed up on a horror comedy for the first time. Titled Bhool Bhulaiyaa, the film became a cult among the cine-goers, and eventually created legacy for the upcoming films of the franchise – Part 2 & 3. And now, our insiders have confirmed that Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan are all set to reunite on a special project.
SCOOP: Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan join forces for a 2025 horror comedy after Bhool Bhulaiyaa legacy; official announcement on Monday
A source confirms that Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan are all set to team up on a horror comedy again and it will be announced on Monday, September 9. “Akshay and Priyadarshan have been contemplating on multiple ideas and are finally teaming up on an outstanding horror comedy, on the lines of their Bhool Bhulaiyaa. They are very excited to embark on this fruitful journey,” a source informed Bollywood Hungama.
The source further added that the film will go on floors by December with a start to finish schedule. “Its a comic caper like never before, as Priyadarshan is exploring an altogether new world of horror and comedy with this film. The title is also as catchy as it gets.”
The film will be produced by Ekta Kapoor and hits the big screen in 2025.
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