A second-time dad has left the internet in stitches after rating the introductory meeting between his daughter and newborn.
In the clip, Jonith (who did not reveal his last name) assigned his 16-month-old a series of tongue-and-cheek reviews throughout the visit. He told Newsweek that he was inspired by other TikTok clips and decided to make a compilation of clips set to sounds from the Super Mario video game.
“Our youngest daughter was born on Monday morning. That evening, our oldest got to meet her sister for the first time. Of course, I wanted to capture this moment on camera, but as expected, her interest in her little sister wasn’t that great,” the 28-year-old told Newsweek.

The moment started off with a low score of two out of 10 as the toddler seemed indifferent to her new little sister, giving what Jonith described as a “judging look.” Things progressed when his elder daughter came closer to the baby, but soon became distracted by the hospital bed’s touchscreen, earning her a four out of 10.
Jonith gave his 16-month-old a strong eight out of 10 for playing with her sister’s little feet, but the peace didn’t last for too long, as she quickly shifted her focus to the baby bed, noisily playing with it and scoring negative two out of 10 for causing a racket.
The dad of two told Newsweek that there were no toys in the hospital room, so she started improvising with the baby crib.
The highlight came when the toddler outright refused to touch her newborn sister, despite her parents’ efforts to bond them, leading to a dramatic rating of –917291010 out of 10.
Jonith’s partner, Hanne, can be seen modeling how their toddler might interact with the baby by holding her little hand in the clip, but she isn’t having any of it.
“After daycare, she’s usually a bit tired, which makes her behavior a bit more difficult. As you can see, she’s already pretty good at saying ‘no’,” Jonith told Newsweek.
Jonith, who goes by @jonithherman on TikTok, clocked up a million views on his video, with many TikTok users leaving laughing-crying emojis in the comments section.
Others shared similar experiences of children meeting a new sibling for the first time. One commented that their three-year-old “didn’t care” about his baby sister, but eight months later, he’s playing with her.
Despite the unsuccessful first visit, Jonith told Newsweek that things have improved since returning home.
“She’s already giving her little sister kisses and even offers her bottles,” adding that he didn’t expect his TikTok video to garner so much attention. “I think a lot of parents can relate,” he said.