One thing I love about Destiny 2 is the way it broadens players’ vocabulary through its names for weapons and armor. Revenant‘s hand cannon, Exuviae, can also be defined as the shed exoskeleton of ecdysozoans. Do the Eliksni shed their carapaces? Who knows? Either way, that’s some good food for thought while you chase this hand cannons God Rolls.
How to get Exuviae in Destiny 2
Exuviae can be acquired by completing Revenant seasonal activities. At the time of this writing, those are primarily the new Onslaught modes accessed via The Last City. It also has a chance to appear in rank-up engrams from Eido. Equip the seasonal armor to boost your rep gains with Crabcakes.

Exuviae base stats
- Impact: 92
- Range: 66
- Stability: 42
- Handling: 22
- Reload Speed: 29
- Aim Assistance: 61
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 32
- RPM: 120
- Magazine: 8
- Recoil Direction: 100
Destiny 2 Exuviae God Rolls
PvE God Roll
Exuviae is like Mortal Kombat‘s Sub-Zero in a gun. It’s all about freezing your foes, blowing up the Stasis crystal they form, and getting a nice stack of Frost Armor for your troubles. Combined with the litany of Stasis buffs from Revenant‘s seasonal artifact, and Exuviae will be in your regular rotation for some time.
- Arrowhead Brake: Increases Recoil Control by +7 and Handling by +10.
- Tactical Mag: Increases Magazine by +1, Reload Speed by +10, and Stability by +5.
- Rimestealer: Destroying a Stasis crystal or defeating a frozen target with this weapon grants you Frost Armor.
- Headstone: Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the victim’s location.
- Masterworked Reload Speed: Increases Reload Speed by +10.
PvP God Roll
While the PvE God Roll can work well in PvP, I’m more a fan of creating a well-rounded weapon. The following perks give plenty of stat increases while also giving buffs for dropping your enemies like flies.
- Corkscrew Rifling: Increases Stability, Handling, and Range by +5.
- Flared Magwell: Increases Reload Speed by +15 and Stability by +5.
- Encore: Final blows grant a stacking buff to Stability, Range, and Accuracy.
- Desperate Measures: Weapon final blows grant bonus damage. Melee and grenade final blows grant a larger, stacking buff.
- Masterworked Reload Speed: Increases Reload Speed by +10.