The charming show stars Kristen Bell and Adam Brody as a burgeoning couple who become embroiled in an unconventional love story due to the fact that she’s an agnostic podcast host and he’s a Jewish rabbi.
Since its debut last month, the show has been consistently hovering around the top of Netflix’s most-watched list, leading many to question whether a second season could be on the cards.
It’s now been announced that Netflix has renewed the show for a new second run, albeit with one big tweak.
This time around, Girls producers Jenni Konner and Bruce Eric Kaplan are joining the behind-the-scenes team of Nobody Wants This as showrunners.
In a statement published by Variety, Erin said: “Creating Nobody Wants This will forever be a career highlight for me. The incredible cast, crew, producers and executives all made this into the show it is today, and to experience viewers’ reactions to this series now that it’s out in the world has been more than anything I could have dreamed.
“I’m so lucky to be able to continue this story, and to do it alongside Jenni Konner and Bruce Eric Kaplan, who I’ve been such a fan of since Girls… Justice for healthy relationships being the most romantic!”
The first season of Nobody Wants This is now available to stream on Netflix, with writing on the second run already underway.