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How is it that our province is now run by a small minority that has its wrongheaded, non-issues put first by a government that should be taking care of the larger population’s needs?
Millions for a marshals service that even many rural municipalities do not support. Money wasted on court cases regarding pronoun use in schools. And a minister bringing guns into the legislature and bullying the speaker. Four more years of the Saskatchewan Party will finish us.
Elaine Arnusch, Regina
Moe’s glossy pamphlets deceiving
Scott Moe and the Saskatchewan Party have issued a large, glossy, four-page pamphlet titled “Our Plan for a Strong Economy and a Bright Future”. This pamphlet should be examined closely.
Saskatchewan is in the middle of a health-care crisis. This leaflet does not tell us how many doctors and nurses have left the province. It also does not tell us the length of wait times in emergency departments.
Saskatchewan is in the middle of an education crisis. This leaflet does not tell us how many teachers have left the province or the state of education in this province. For example, Saskatchewan is either at or near the bottom of the provinces in literacy.
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The leaflet discusses returning the provincial budget to balance by 2027-28 and commits to reducing taxes. The provincial debt has reached historic levels. Balancing the budget and reducing taxes is not likely doable — unless services are cut.
Scott Moe’s government is old and tired. It has failed large numbers of its citizens. Many are facing a crisis of everyday living — urban and rural young and old. It’s time for a change.
Ed Lehman, Regina
Trudeau hides from palace coup
After returning from Asia, Justin Trudeau discovered a palace revolt was moving ahead full steam. Instead of dealing with this challenge as a leader against the rebel non-cabinet Liberals, the prime minister has ordered his over-paid cabinet ministers to defend him.
A real leader would lead and not act so cowardly. Add this pathetic position to Trudeau’s other cowardly positions, including not calling an election to defend himself, his government and his policies and principles.
Maybe Trudeau’s next trip should be to the Land of Oz to get some courage.
Chris Robertson, Stony Plain, Alta
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