(This story was updated to meet our standards and add new information.)
When residents head to the polls to vote early or on Election Day, Nov. 5, they will have the choice to replace or reelect half of the Corpus Christi ISD school board.
The Caller-Times sent questions to each of the nine candidates, allowing them to share their background and priorities with voters and weigh in on various issues related to public education.
Each candidate was given a limit of 20 words for answers to biographical questions and 75 words for answers to policy questions. Any responses that substantially exceeded the word count were cut off at the word limit, with a few exceptions of a few words when it was required to avoid misrepresenting the preceding comment.
Four seats are open on the Corpus Christi Independent School District board of trustees. Trustees oversee the 34,000-student school district, voting to approve budgets, policies and procedures.
Three of the open seats are at-large, meaning any eligible voter who resides in CCISD can vote in this race. Seven candidates are vying for these three seats. The three candidates with the most votes will earn a spot on the board.
The final open seat is for CCISD single-member District 2, which represents the southwest portion of the school district.
The election is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 5. Early voting will take place Oct. 21 through Nov. 1.
The deadline to register to vote in this election was Oct. 7. The last day to apply for a ballot by mail is Friday, Oct. 25.
Voter guide for 2024 election:Polling places, what’s on the ballot and more in South Texas
Here’s what the candidates had to say:
* indicates a response was cut for length
At-large candidates
Steve Barrera
Age: 53
Occupation: Retired campus principal
Educational experience: Moody High School graduate, with a bachelor’s from Texas A&M University-Kingsville and a master’s from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Years of residence in CCISD: I have resided in Corpus Christi for 53 years.
Organization memberships: Texas Elementary Principals Association, Association of Texas Professional Educators and Corpus Christi Principals and Supervisors Association
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: As a candidate for the CCISD school board, my focus is on putting students first by ensuring they receive a high-quality education that prepares them for future success. I believe in supporting our teachers with competitive pay, professional development, and the resources they need to meet diverse student needs. Additionally, I’m committed to responsible financial management, investing in education while avoiding wasteful spending, to create a stronger, more equitable district for our community.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? Parents are the primary educators of their children, especially on sensitive topics, and schools should respect that by providing age-appropriate, fact-based information. The goal is to equip students with knowledge that promotes understanding and respect for others while ensuring that parents remain involved in guiding their children’s values and beliefs. Open communication between schools and families is key to ensuring these topics are taught in a way that aligns with their expectations.
What are your budget priorities? I believe a zero-based budgeting approach is the most responsible way to manage our district’s finances. Unlike traditional budgeting, zero-based budgeting starts from scratch each year, requiring us to justify all expenses based on current needs. This ensures that funds are allocated efficiently and aligned with our students’ success. By prioritizing fiscal responsibility, we can make smart, transparent decisions that benefit our schools, redirect resources where needed most, and maximize the impact of taxpayer dollars.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I am firmly opposed to school vouchers. While they seem to offer families more “choice,” vouchers divert critical funding away from public schools, weakening the resources our students depend on. Public education is vital to ensuring every child, regardless of background, has access to a quality education. Vouchers often benefit private schools that aren’t held to the same accountability standards, creating an uneven playing field and using taxpayer dollars to support institutions that don’t serve all students.
Michael Bergsma
Age: 70
Occupation: Oil and gas; president, M Squared Exploration. We generate drillable ideas and sell them to investors. My personal expertise is geophysics and business management.
Educational experience: Bachelor of Science in geophysics from Texas A&M University in College Station and a Master of Business Administration *
Years of residency in CCISD: 42 years
Organization memberships (candidates limited to top three): Former chairman South Texas World Affairs Council, former president Coastal Bend Geophysical Society, former chairman Nueces County Republican Party.
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: Better financial management of the taxpayers’ money. Create a culture of respect for teachers, students and parents. Do a much better job teaching basic skills and not be satisfied with only 50% of students performing at grade level. Work with Del Mar College in teaching industrial skills.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? I am opposed to sex education in the public schools and would leave that to parents. We should teach respect and awareness of opportunity as a reward for hard work. If cultural awareness means learning about other cultures, I am all for it. If it means teaching resentment, I am opposed.
What are your budget priorities? Less money in administration and more money in the classroom.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? We need to (ensure) that CCISD is prepared for any major changes in policy by the state and make sure our programs are competitive.
Don Clark
Age: 54
Occupation: Commercial insurance broker for 15 years with Carlisle Insurance/Acrisure LLC. Owner, Texas Rural Student Transportation, student transportation services.
Educational experience: United States Air Force
Years of residency in CCISD: Since 1982, with the exception of my military service after high school (King High School, 1988) and a few years living in Alabama *
Organization memberships: Buccaneer Commission, Young Life Committee, Leadership Corpus Christi
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: My primary goal if re-elected is to continue the upward trajectory of CCISD. CCISD was named the H-E-B Excellence in Education large district winner for Texas in 2023. In 2024 we were named the Region 2 board of the year and a Texas Association of School Administrators Honor Board, one of five in the state. These things do not happen by accident, I am proud of the work the board and the entire CCISD team is doing.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? In my opinion, a schools place is as a partner to students and parents. It is important to provide facts regarding sex education, diversity or cultural awareness but it is not our place to offer opinions or persuasive commentary to establish a position. Healthy, fact-based discussions are important and can open the door for further conversations with the students family unit.
What are your budget priorities? Over 50% of Texas districts are adopting deficit budgets, CCISD included. We lost over $10,000,000 this year in funds from government agencies used to compensate teachers, yet we continue to see no increases to funding from the legislature. My budget priorities will be to continue staunch advocacy at the state level while ensuring that locally we are being the best stewards that we can be with district funds.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I have spent the last two years advocating for changes to public education policy at the state level. CCISD created and I co-chair the Coastal Bend Public Education Advocacy Network, made up of all districts in Region 2. We are advocating for changes to school finance (basic allotment increases, teacher raises etc.), accountability reform and insurance assistance. Additionally we look to have universal Pre-K fully funded.
J.R. De La Garza
Age: 46
Occupation: Healthcare; Chief operating officer of clinical services at the Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation, a local Federally Qualified Community Health Center
Educational experience: Associate of Arts in liberal arts from Del Mar College; Bachelor of Business Administration in management from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi *
Years of residency in CCISD: 46
Organization memberships: (Left blank by candidate)
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: 1. Invest in local Public Education – I believe it’s important to invest heavily in our students as they are the future for our city and the catalyst for growth and change that will carry us into the future. 2. Fiscal Responsibility – Implement sound financial management practices to maintain balanced budgets; while prioritizing funding for educators in order to retain good staff and ensure they have all the tools necessary to successfully educate students. 3. Transparency – Enhancing transparency and undefined
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? I strongly believe schools should play a vital role in teaching students about sex education, diversity, and cultural awareness. These topics are essential for preparing students to thrive in a diverse society and make informed decisions about their health and relationships. By providing accurate, age-appropriate education, we empower students to respect themselves and others, fostering a more inclusive and understanding community both inside and outside of the classroom.
What are your budget priorities? My budget priorities focus on investing in teacher salaries to ensure we attract and retain the best educators, as they are the foundation of student success. I’m committed to prioritizing funding for professional development, classroom resources, and technology to support students’ holistic growth. By balancing fiscal responsibility with smart investments in education, we can create an environment where teachers are valued, and students receive the tools they need to thrive.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I strongly support education policies that ensure free and equitable access for all students. As a local school board member, I would advocate against any policies that create barriers to quality education based on socioeconomic status or background. I believe in protecting public education funding and ensuring that resources are distributed fairly so every student has access to the same opportunities, regardless of their zip code or personal circumstances. Education should remain a right for all.
Samuel Aundrá Fryer
Age: 58
Occupation: Retired Army Reserve Colonel who currently works as a Department of the Army civilian as a training information administrator.
Educational experience: Bachelor of Science in computer science from Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina, and Master of Divinity from Amridge University *
Years of residency in CCISD: 12
Organization memberships: Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association, Nueces County Republican Party, and vice president of the Terra Mar Property Owners Association *
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: Ensure parental involvement because parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s education, morally, ethically, and academically. Emphasize an educated citizenry—well-versed in U. S. civics with student proficiency in reading, writing, math, science, and history. Enable truthful learning by eradicating unhealthy sexualization of minors, preventing harmful social agendas, and allowing teacher autonomy to use most effective methods in their respective disciplines. I stand with parents and support teachers desiring the best, principled education for children.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? Schools should focus on the basics of education: reading comprehension, writing, math, science, and history. Besides music, art, and physical fitness, topics in question are mere distractors with harmful repercussions on young, impressionable minds. Sexual, diversity and other “cultural awareness” topics should not be included, and if so, must require parental consent—opting-in versus opting-out. Schools have allowed interest groups to introduce their perverted, misguided and deceptive agendas in school curriculum with devastating results.
What are your budget priorities? School Boards of Trustees are responsible for district budgets, policies and governing and overseeing district management. Therefore, passing a sound budget that does not overburden taxpayers by ensuring the responsible expenditure of funds and reducing indebtedness is essential to fulfilling the fiduciary responsibility of the CCISD board of trustees. The budgetary focus should be on teacher empowerment to vastly improve education with clearly defined and desired results, ensuring safe and disciplined classrooms.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I support state level policies that enforce adherence, through punitive measures, the prohibitive use of curriculum or subversive methods of introducing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), critical race theory (CRT), and the sexualization of minors by exposing them to sexually perverse material and lifestyles in school libraries. School districts should not be allowed to handle district employee abuse of or sexual assault of minors, internally. Substantiated cases should prevent further work in school districts state-wide.
Alice Upshaw Hawkins
Age: 75
Occupation: Currently Adjunct Professor Del Mar College–English & Philosophy Dept. teaching Freshman Composition. Former Occupation-Retired Public School Educator *
Educational experience: Bachelor of Science in secondary education and Master of Arts in composition and rhetoric
Years of residency in CCISD: I lived in Corpus more than 60 years.
Organization memberships: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), League of Women Voters Corpus Christi Area (LWVCCA) *
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: Develop/approve policy ensuring curriculum oversight that maximizes student learning; improved teacher pay; reduce excessive teacher duties; reduce student bullying
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? Sex education should be offered to students with parental permission. Diversity and cultural education are imperatives. We live in a global society. Public schools are diverse cultural institutions; therefore, learning and understanding the intricacies of other cultures prepare students for global experiences, global learning and global interactions.
What are your budget priorities? Budget priorities are to get our district back to a balanced budget. Historically, school districts were expected to produce a balanced budget for each upcoming school year. For the past three years the district has begun each year with a deficit.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I would support a state policy that would automatically increase state contributions to teacher salaries at a rate that would help retain teachers in the industry; allow voters to choose education commissioners rather than appointed by the governor.
Pooja Bindingnavele
Age: 44
Occupation: Chief financial officer of The Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery
Educational experience: Bachelor of Science in biochemistry (minor in biology and women’s studies, certificate in the history and philosophy of science); teaching certificate *
Years of residency in CCISD: 16, 15 of those as a CCISD parent
Organization memberships: Active member in PTA/board of all of my children’s current/former schools, Communities in Schools, Women’s and Men’s Health Services
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: If elected to office I would ensure that every student succeeds in all areas — academically, mentally and physically. Students who live in all areas of Corpus Christi need access to the same resources and facilities. This should be accomplished by ensuring/elevating teacher and staff retention and satisfaction. Additionally, we need ethical and proper fiscal spending and transparency. Safety and security are also paramount to ensure a safe learning environment for all our students and staff.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? The Texas Education Agency has mandated standards which are run through a School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). It is handled well in the system that it is run through as mandated by the state legislature. Teaching students about other cultures around the world/present in the classroom is a wonderful thing as long as it does not detract from the teachings of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
What are your budget priorities? My budget priorities quite literally line up with my goals — student success academically, physically & mentally. Teacher/staff and retention and satisfaction and critically fiscal responsibility and transparency. As a small business owner, and Chief Financial Officer, I understand and can explain fiscal literacy items as well as budget cycles and budget balancing. Fiscal accountability and transparency is also very important to help explain to our taxpayers how their dollars are being spent.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I am against vouchers that take away funds from our public school system. It has been shown that voucher systems cause low-income students to suffer (more than they already do). I would also advocate for a restricting of the TEA A-F accountability system. I would also advocate for higher teacher pay to help ensure that our best and brightest minds are the ones who want to use their talents to teach our future.
District 2
Corpus Christi ISD’s District 2 includes the neighborhoods northwest of Everhart Road; north of Oso Creek; east of Columbia Street between Oso Creek and Horne Road; south of Horne Road between Columbia Street and Kostoryz Road; south of Gollihar Road between Kostoryz Road and Weber Road; and south of South Padre Island Drive between Weber Road and Everhart Road.
Penny Kaminski
Age: 58
Occupation: Retired CCISD educator (26 years)
Educational experience: Bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies earned in 1995 and Master of Science earned in 2003, both from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. *
Years of residence in CCISD: 58 years in the CCISD area and 30 years in CCISD’s district two
Organization memberships: Buccaneer Commission
Primary goal(s) if elected to office: I will prioritize student safety and student success. Students and their families must be confident that students’ personal safety and academic needs will be provided for. Additional goals include to create a climate in which teachers and staff feel valued and respected; make fiscally responsible decisions; and have the district become more transparent with its employees and the community.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? With parental permission, schools should provide a curriculum that is clinically factual and accurate so students are equipped to make informed decisions that keep them healthy and safe. Undoubtedly, schools are a diverse setting in which students spend their day. Therefore, it is crucial that schools are a safe environment where students learn to appreciate, empathize, and respect others whose cultures and perspectives differ from their own.
What are your budget priorities? My budget priorities are those that are directly tied to student safety and student success. With a budget shortfall, it is imperative that expenditures be scrutinized. We must ensure that the results we are getting are worthy of the investments we are making. We owe it to our community and the future of our students to make careful decisions regarding the budget.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? I will advocate, at the state level, for age-appropriate accountability systems. The current state tests do not yield for developmentally appropriate instruction that meets the needs of all students. I will also advocate for a higher state base pay for our teachers and staff. Teachers and staff deserve competitive and professional salaries.
S. Jaime Arredondo
Age: 78
Occupation: Retired educator and district administrator.
Educational experience: A career of 37 years as teacher, principal, Migrant Program Director (Montana), T.E.A. Staff and leadership director (22 years) in CCISD.
Years of residence in CCISD: Mr. Arredondo and his family have resided in Corpus Christi I.S.D. for 40.5 years.
Organization memberships: Texas Association of School Boards, TASB Legislative Regional Advisory Council and The Holdsworth Center
Primary goal(s) if elected to office:1. Students must be provided with knowledge, tools and essential skills to be lifetime learners, graduates and successful citizens. 2. CCISD must provide teachers and staff instructional support and quality instructional resources. An effective salary and benefits plan can attract and retain our valued teachers and staff. 3. CCISD is responsible to all employees, parents, and community for clear communication, transparency and accountability and be strategic in managing its budget supporting instruction, technology, staffing, and safe schools.
To what extent do you believe schools should play a role in teaching students about topics such as sex education or diversity and cultural awareness? It is my opinion that by schools teaching sex education this subject helps our youth to strengthen the value of positive relationships and the development of positive decision-making skills that will be invaluable later in life. The teaching of diversity and cultural awareness, in my opinion, allows for better multicultural inclusion helping our youth from varied backgrounds to succeed. It is also my opinion that it encourages acceptance and helps prepare our youth to flourish in a growing diverse world.
What are your budget priorities? As CCISD grapples with deficit budgeting, lack of state funding and loss of ESSER federal funds, budget priorities would be: 1. Strategically manage current funding and revenues to operate district operations and closely oversee spending within current budget. 2. Provide for necessary instructional resources for teachers to ensure they have the necessary materials to impart quality and engaging instruction and successful student outcomes. 3. Advocate for increased state funding to increase teacher salaries to commensurate with market values.
Are there changes in education policy at the state level that you support or would advocate for as a local school board member if elected? 1. Funding full-day 3-year-old and Pre-Kindergarten. 2. No more unfunded mandates by the state. 3. Increasing the state basic allotment to school districts from $6000 per child to $7500 per child owed due to inflation and other higher operational costs. 4. Provide for increased salaries for teachers in order to recruit, hire, and retain teachers.
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