The Kamala Harris “campaign of joy” at some point recognized their internal polling was showing some potentially disastrous news, so they were left with the option of trying to portray Donald Trump as a “fascist” and the next Hitler. But in a joyful way, or something like that.
The polling news keeps getting worse for the Dems, and instead of focusing on issues that matter to voters (high prices, border security, etc.) have decided to just scream “Trump is Hitler” even louder.
On ABC, a polling analyst presented some potentially bad news for Harris, when George Stephanopoulos asked if “Trump’s a fascist” might help move the needle in the Dems’ favor. Ah, “journalism”:
ABC shows early voting data that has Trump likely winning Nevada.
George Stephanopoulos asks to see polling about how many voters view Trump as a fascist because of course he does.
It’s impossible to hate the media enough.
— The Rule 5 Texan (@Rule5Tweets) October 26, 2024
Analyst: There are warning signs for Harris in the early vote.
Stephanopoulos: “And Rick, Generals John Kelly and Mark Milley have called Donald Trump a fascist, and Kamala Harris agrees. Do we have some polling on that?”
Incredible. Simply
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) October 26, 2024
There IS polling on the state of the media, and Stephanopoulos probably wouldn’t like it.
Do we have any polling on our made-up hit pieces?
– George
— Social distancing champ (@LadyGriz) October 26, 2024
There’s a week left. Where do they go now that the Hitler card has been played?
— Doctor of Coding Thinkology (@bradcundiff) October 26, 2024
Right? Maybe the Dems peaked too soon.
Quick reminder that the top ABC political “journalist” is a Clinton official
— Sunny (@sunnyright) October 26, 2024
And of course ABC News presents him as an objective “journalist.”