Tuesday, Oct. 29: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.
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With many MPs jumping from the sinking Liberal ship or demanding that Justin Trudeau resign, Trudeau’s desperation is becoming much more noticeable. He’s had nine years to listen to Canadians and what we want for our country, and he’s ignored it all because it didn’t align with his vision.
Now he’s going to lower immigration numbers. At this point, with the number of homeless and unemployed in Canada, lowering our intake isn’t enough. What needs to happen is a complete stop on bringing any more in until the ones currently here are properly vetted, those who don’t qualify are deported and the majority who get to stay are looking after themselves financially.
This goes for refugees as well. Too many come here for the benefits and citizenship, only to go back home to live. All this needs to change.
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Sorry, Trudeau, your last-minute ploy to try to save your skin isn’t going to work. You’ve pushed Canadians too far and we want you gone.
It was laughable to see Justin Trudeau’s minions cheering him on as if he were a rock star. What counts to me is what the majority of Canadians think of him.
Trudeau’s sidekick, Marc Miller, has vilified those MPs who are actually listening to their constituents. I have no respect for those MPs who continue the charade of supporting an inept prime minister. Trudeau simply continues to repeat his broken record of “delivering” to Canadians.
I think Trudeau’s protective teflon coating has finally worn off.
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The Trudeau Liberals have announced reduced immigration levels for the coming three years. Supposedly this is in response to one of the “messages” of dissatisfaction with many government policies they are hearing from the Canadian public.
By 2027, numbers will gradually drop by a total of 20 per cent, down to “only” 365,000. Why does this target reduction take three years? Why can it not go from a current 500,000 annually to 365,000 next year instead of happening gradually over the next two years? I see no logical reason for a phase-in. Certainly this half-baked plan is not fully in accord with the clearly expressed wishes of Canadians at large.
Could it be that Trudeau and company want to delay full implementation in the expectation of winning re-election before their previous targets are decimated, showing they haven’t truly changed their spots?
Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.
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