Every Profession in Brighter Shores is anchored by a tool of the trade, each one a gateway to valuable resources and character XP. While some items can be found relatively easily, others might not be as apparent.
So, if you’re struggling to get proper Foraging tools, here’s how to get and use Secateurs in Brighter Shores.
Where to find Secateurs in Brighter Shores
You can purchase Secateurs at the Forager’s Warehouse (Old Street East) for 13 Silver and 200 Bronze. However, to unlock this option, players must reach Level 2 of their Forager Profession. This can be achieved by searching through Brown Kelp during the tutorial. To locate the warehouse, go toward the right side of the map to spot a brown-colored house.

Zoom in closer, and you’ll see the doorway to the Forager’s Warehouse. Deadly crows will be nearby, but you can just pass them to get inside.

Speak to Ella to claim one Secateurs with Silver and Bronze. If you don’t have enough, you’ll need to do some grinding. You can do so by fighting with the enemies outside and selling goods to the merchants. Silver might be the more challenging to find since you’ll only get a few of them at a time. The best way to get it during the early stages is by selling bundles or recipes.
For example, you can sell 10 Flounders at the Frequently Fresh Fish Stall to claim one Silver. Not much, I know, but at least it gets you something. You can sell other unwanted resources at the Training Grounds (Quartermaster), The Delectable Dab’s Kitchen (Head Chef), The Forager’s Warehouse, and Stone Street’s Apothecary Shop. Once you have enough money, you can now get the Secateurs in Brighter Shores.
How to use Secateurs in Brighter Shores
With the Secateurs in hand, a world of possibilities opens up. You can start foraging higher-level plants, such as the Creamy Wallplants outside the Forager’s Warehouse. Snip them away with the Secateurs, and you’ll soon be gathering this valuable resource.
You can utilize Creamy Wallplants with the Brown Kelp, creating a 20 percent Preparation Healing mixer at a Reagent Preparation Station. This mixer is particularly valuable as it significantly boosts the healing properties of the potion, taking it a step above the standard 10 percent. Then, use the mixer at a Standard Potion Station to obtain the healing potion. This can all be done at the Apothecary Shop, which isn’t too far from the Forager’s Warehouse.

By the time you reach Forager Level 4, you can use the Secateur to pick up White Periwinkle at Brannof Boulevard. Combine it with the Horn Shell utilizing a Level 4 Alchemist rank to gain the 5% Preparation XP Hopeport mixer. A completed potion gives you five percent more experience points while at Hopeport, making it much easier to level up. You can likely use the Secateur on other Forager-related items, so make sure to increase your rank for better ingredients.