The King of the Hill quest in Stalker 2 takes you to the land of Garbage (quite literally), and it’s one of those open-ended missions that can have different endings based on your decision.
When it comes to the main quests in Stalker 2, you can expect them to have different endings (something that I love), and the King of the Hill requires you to find the leader of Slag Heap. Finding the quest isn’t very hard as you can’t avoid it at any cost. To receive the mission, you’ll have to interact with Diode (the Tech of Slag Heap).
Stalker 2 King of the Hill quest guide
Once the mission has begun, you’ll have to travel to the Plant, located to the south of Slag Heap. Varan has incidentally captured a man who attacked you earlier, and you get to interrogate you. However, Varan is no saint, and you’ll have to do one of the four following favors to question the captive.
- Pay 20,000 coupons
- Kill rival gang leader Shah
- Kill rival gang leader Roosevelt
- Attack Varan

Whom should you kill in King of the Hill quest in Stalker 2
Options 1 and 4 make absolutely no sense. You won’t want to attack Varan at the Plant, and spending 20,000 coupons for this is like burning money (that is, if you have the amount in the first place). Hence, there are two remaining choices – either you kill Shah, or you eliminate Roosevelt.
I did what almost every similar guide to this has suggested – go after Shah. The reason is simple – it’s an easier job. Choosing to eliminate Roosevelt reportedly requires you to return to Slab Heap and look for more information.

Shah and his gang members can be located at the west of Slag Heap. Go to the northwestern corner of the building, and you’ll find them bunched up like cockroaches. Before heading over to the spot, make sure to refill your essential supplies like ammo and medkits. Irrespective of your in-game difficulty, the gang can eat away your health with their attacks. You can also use the watchtower to have a tactical advantage, but I took a more direct approach (I play in Rookie, so…).
Take the PDA from Shah to Varan, who will allow you the chance to interrogate. Sadly, it’s all a ruse since the captive prisoner and Nestor (the person you had to find) are both dead. Varan will pull out one of his treacherous moves, and you’ll have to fend off his henchmen to survive.
Once done, make sure to pick the PDA from the dead body, as that will complete the King of the Hill Quest in Stalker 2.