There’s are different set of rules for Jews in Canada

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Are Jews being treated differently in Canada? Absolutely, and not in a good way.
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From local police to the federal government, Jews are clearly not the chosen people of Canadian government officials.
Take the case of Rabbi Adam Scheier who was asked by police to leave downtown Montreal because he looked too Jewish and there was a pro-Hamas protest coming.
“The only thing I am guilty of is shopping in downtown Montreal … while wearing a kippah,” Scheier wrote in a Facebook post.
“The policeman explained to me that he was fearful of a ‘fire starting between the two sides.’ Apparently, my presence is deemed a sufficient provocation for removal, while their hateful chants are allowed to continue.”
Shouldn’t it be the job of the police to ensure the people who march through the streets belting out genocidal chants don’t start getting violent?
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Nah, easier to make sure the guy who looks Jewish just leaves.
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In Toronto, police have been protecting the pro-Hamas protests since they started their marches immediately after the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. They have allowed them to take over city streets at will without permits to block traffic and block street cars. At times they have even shut down major roads to pray in the middle of the street.
Last Sunday, as a group of pro-Hamas types gathered at Bathurst St. and Sheppard Ave. W. – a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood – it was a Jew who was arrested.
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When Ezra Levant of Rebel News tried to take his cameras to interview the folks waving placards celebrating Hamas – a protest that included a guy dressed like Yahya Sinwar, the recently killed mastermind of the terror attacks on Israel – it was Levant who was arrested.
Though released, Levant had been arrested for disturbing the peace. The people actually disturbing the peace by bringing a message that celebrated the killing of Jews into a Jewish neighbourhood were left alone.
There is even a photo of Toronto Police Staff-Sgt. Jeffery MacDuff sharing a chuckle with Ahmad Jarrar Hajahmad, a key organizer of many of the protests in the city and a backer of the encampments that took over university campuses in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa last spring.
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The message is clear, there are different rules for Jews in Canada.
Take the example of the Jewish National Fund, a charitable organization in Canada for over a century that had their charitable status revoked this past summer. The revocation came after an audit started in 2014 for charitable works that had taken place in 2011-12 and which had never been an issue in the past.
However, a sustained campaign against the group by anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activists pushed the Canada Revenue Agency to reconsider what was approved. Rather than working with JNF, which had never failed an audit before, the CRA pulled the organization’s status, and the issue is now being challenged in court.
It’s very different approach from the one taken by CRA after their audit of the Muslim Association of Canada determined the organization was working with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria. While the Muslim Brotherhood is not considered a terrorist group in Canada, documents obtained and reported on by Le Journal de Montreal show there was real concern.
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CRA found that the Syrian group had asked MAC for financial assistance, including for weapons. The Brotherhood in Egypt has been tied to political violence.
“Even entities that are not considered terrorist in Canada can put a charity’s resources at risk of terrorist abuse if those entities are linked to violent ideologies,” say CRA documents obtained by Le Journal.
The reaction of CRA to these revelations and several others was simply to ask MAC to take corrective action and not associate with people or groups that may have links to terrorism or violent ideologies.
The difference in treatment could not be more stark and, like the police action, the message to Canada’s Jewish community from government officials could not be clearer. Add to that the attack on Kosher meat by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency after hundreds of years of being allowed in this country and you really see what is going on.
Canadian officials are making it clear, Jews aren’t welcome in Canada and they will harass you until you get the picture.
It’s sad and wrong but it is true.
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