While it really is nice to be wanted in life, the same cannot be said in Starfield. If you have a bounty on you from any of the factions, a whole lot of bounty hunters will show up trying to cash in. The good news is that you can get rid of the bounties without too much issue if you know where to go.
Starfield bounty kiosk location guide
The future is largely controlled and organized through kiosks in Starfield. This applies to bounties as well as almost everything else. Below, you can find an ever-growing list of bounty clearance kiosk locations where you can wipe away your sins for just a handful of credits. You might even find The Hunter chilling out near one of them.

If you wish to avoid a bounty in the first place, then make sure nobody sees you stealing, assaulting an NPC, hacking doors or safes, pickpocketing goods from people, or trespassing somewhere you shouldn’t be. You should also be incredibly careful with your abilities. I used the anti-gravity ability in New Atlantis by accident, and it ended up costing me over 160,000 Credits.
So, don’t have any fun, basically. You can check if you have a bounty on you by opening your star map and looking at the top right of the screen. Any bounty in that space will be listed there, along with the value of it. It should also be noted the new Shattered Space DLC doesn’t seem to have any bounty kiosks available, meaning you’ll have to clear them out elsewhere.
During your travels, be wary of any hostile environments like Serpentis and Kryx, as they will most likely attack on-site. I recommend avoiding these pathways altogether if you’re looking for easy access to bounty kiosks in Starfield. But, if you don’t mind a little trouble, come prepared with the best weapons and tools for your ship.
New Atlantis on Jemison in Alpha Centauri

When you touch down on Jemison’s landing pad, go forward to the central area filled with various shops. Look to the left of the spiral structure to spot the Viewport building. Head inside the Viewport Bar’s main entryway on the left side of Jemison Mercantile. The Self-Service Bounty Clearance machine will be right next to the bar.

Akila City on Akila in Cheyenne

The good news about Akila City is that it really is just like the old west, and a bit of cash can solve all your problems. From the landing pad, head straight into town, and you will see a bright red sign for the Hitching Post bar. It’ll be across from the Shepherd’s General Store. Go inside to find the Bounty Clearance Kiosk next to the bartender and a small “Bar” sign.

Trident Staryard at Akila in Cheyenne

In orbit near Akila, you can find the Trident Luxury Lines Staryard. Approach the ship and look for its port to begin docking. Head right down the corridor after you board, and you will find the bounty kiosk on the right side near the main reception area. Also, keep in mind that Trident doesn’t sell any parts or ships at the Trident Staryard.

Cydonia on Mars in Sol

Make your way into Cydonia, down the main corridor through the hanging barrier, and then look to the right to find the Broken Spear Bar. Once you go through the bar entryway, you’ll see another kiosk station to the left.

Deimos Staryard at Mars in the Sol System

Go to the Deimos Staryard in orbit above the Deimos moon of Mars. Head inside, down the first corridor, and then to the left to find the bounty kiosk. It’ll be right next to the Deimos Sales Computer. This is also a pretty solid shipyard to build at if you are at a high enough level, providing better ship weapons in the game.

Neon on Volii Alpha in the Volii System

Make your way to Neon and then head to the elevator to reach the upper floor. After going up, take a right and continue going forward until you get to the very end. Here, you’ll see the Astral Lounge. Go up the stairs and enter the Trade Tower: Astral Lounge doorway. The bounty kiosk will be easy to spot, right by the entrance.

Hopetown on Polvo in the Valo System (the same node as Narion)

At the landing pad, look for the Trade Authority Kiosk. Just beyond that, with one of the worst signs ever, is the Pit Stop Bar. Head inside to find the Bounty Clearance kiosk on the left, near a poster with the words, “Shut up and Drink.”

Civilian Outpost bounty kiosks
If all your factions are hostile due to bad behavior, your best bet is to use a Civilian Outpost bounty kiosk. These outposts can pop up on various planets, such as the far side of Jemison. They will often have a bounty board and a mission board for you to use if you want to grab a mission or pay off a bounty on your way through.
Planets with Civilian Outposts seem to be randomly generated, so not everyone will have the exact coordinates. Before landing on a planet, you can check to see if it has an outpost with its house icon.

You’ll likely find a bounty kiosk somewhere within this facility. Explore the galaxy to find more Civilian Outposts, giving you additional kiosks to utilize.
How to clear bounties in Starfield
To remove a bounty, all you need to do is find one of the kiosks and interact with it. If you have an active bounty, you will be prompted to pay the fine. For example, when I first tried out the machine, I was greeted with a 350 credit bounty for Neon. Those who cause havoc in multiple places will need to pay bounties off individually with each Faction. You’ll have a choice on which ones you want to pay off when on the ‘Which Faction would you like us to contact on your behalf?’ page.

Keep in mind that you will need to be in a system that is not controlled by the faction that has placed a bounty on you. They won’t let you pay it off in their own territory. Extra charges may also apply to completely clear your bounties. In particular, my bounty for Neon was listed for 350 credits, but the total cost came out to 385 credits. It’s not a whole lot of extra cash, so it shouldn’t be too overwhelming with this small convenience fee. However, you should still be prepared as they can get expensive depending on your crimes.
After you’ve paid it off, your criminal record with a specific region will be cleared. You may even see a message from the Starfield bounty kiosks that states, “Our records indicate that you are not wanted by any Faction within the Settled Systems at this time.” Hats off to you for being such a good citizen.
If you don’t want to spend the credits, you can go to jail, although this will slightly reduce your current XP level. You also lose any stolen goods you have on you, and considering I stole my precious cowboy hat, that is just not an option for me. Additionally, you can try to bribe your way out of any situation, which is usually pretty cheap. That won’t actually get rid of the bounty; it just leaves you free to get arrested another day.