Don’t let the name fool you, Grace in Roblox is a very challenging title, especially if you’re going down the completionist route. The game features a bunch of enemies that will all kill you at the first mistake you make, and it also features various achievements that it gives players no clues about. Let’s learn how to achieve everything there is to achieve in Grace, shall we?
Genesis Badge
As the name suggests, the only thing you need to get this badge is to begin the game and spawn in. All Grace players get this badge automatically just for playing.
I’ll help you Badge
Another very easy-to-earn badge, as it just requires players to die once and accept help from a mysterious eye-like being.
jablon Badge
To get this badge, players need to survive their first encounter with the Carnation, the enemy that requires players to slide into and hide in a crawlspace.
Burnout Badge
This badge requires players to perform a slide maneuver and hold on to it until it is unlocked.
Staredown Badge
Players will need to survive Heed for this badge, which is the entity you must never look away from when progressing through a room it inhabits.
Peer Pressure Badge
You will need to survive your first encounter with Slugfish, the giant bullet-like enemy that travels to the center corridor of the map. Hug the walls and you should get it!
Eye For An Eye Badge
You will need to survive your first encounter with Slight, the entity that you cannot make eye contact with.
Snooze Badge
You will need to survive your first encounter with Dozer, the entity that requires you to crouch and stop moving.
It’s A Good Day Badge
To get this badge you have to survive your first encounter with Sorrow, the entity that will kill you with deadly rain if you don’t hide underneath a crawlspace or a doorframe.
Peek A Boo Badge
You will need to survive your first encounter with Elkman, an entity that works like a security camera of sorts. Once it sees players, they’ll have a short amount of time to run away and hide outside of its field of view to make it go away.
Dapped Up Badge
To get this badge you need to ignore the advice that I just gave you and rush towards the Elkman to get in touch with its hitbox before you die from having him stare at you for too long.
Already having fun Badge
This is a silly one, as it requires players to look at Grace’s warning screen until they unlock the badge. It will likely take a little over a minute to unlock this one.
awwww Badge
This badge is the exact opposite of the previous one and requires players to close the warning screen as soon as they can after it shows up. Do it in under one second and you’re sure to get it.
This badge requires players to go to the menu and set their FOV (field of view) to the unplayable setting of -60.
To get this badge, players will have to escape the GOAT MAN, the entity that goes after players once the timer hits 0.
NO. Badge
This badge also involves the GOAT MAN, but getting it requires you to hit it with the beam from your flashlight.
Stimulated Badge
Another flashlight-related badge. To get this one, you don’t have to attack a monster, but you’ll need to spin your flashlight until it unlocks. It shouldn’t take much longer than one minute.
Lap 2 Badge
For one of the most challenging badges in the game, players will have to complete two timers in under two minutes and thirty seconds.
You can now dominate Grace on Roblox via PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Mac OS, and in VR via Quest.