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Gabriella Pasquantonio of Brampton was speechless after winning $250,000 in the Nov. 16 Lottario draw.
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The retiree has been playing Lottario every Saturday since she was old enough to play.
“I was at home when I used the OLG app to check my ticket,” said Pasquantonio to OLG. “At first, I wasn’t sure if I had won $250 or $2,500. When I realized it was neither and that I’d won $250,000, I was confused, in shock, and in disbelief all at once. I was speechless!”
She called her husband to share the good news.
“When he saw me, he asked, ‘What’s wrong? Your eyes are all red and teary!’ When I told him I’d won the jackpot, he was shocked and couldn’t believe it either,” said Pasquantonio to OLG.
“The timing of this win is perfect. It’s a great addition to the savings account.”
Her windfall plans include paying some bills, buying a new car, and saving for retirement.
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The winning ticket was bought at Extra’s Convenience on Vodden St. E. in Brampton.

Tracy Cleland and Brian Malloy of Barrie were stunned when they matched the last six of seven ENCORE numbers in exact order in the Nov. 26 Lotto Max draw to win $100,000.
The married parents of two have been playing Lotto Max and Lotto 6/49 Quick Picks together for 10 years.
“We were at home when we checked our ticket on the OLG app,” said Malloy to OLG.
“It was early in the morning — around 6 a.m.— his first words of the day were, ‘Wow, wow, wow!’ We were stunned,” Cleland added to OLG.
“It’s a nice feeling to go to bed with peace of mind and wake up with the same sense of calm,” said Malloy.
“Winning this prize has been a humbling experience,” said Cleland. “It’s truly a blessing, especially right before the holidays.”
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With their winnings, the couple plan to pay some bills and may take a trip in the summer to Vancouver.
The winning ticket was bought at Circle K on Bayfield St. in Barrie.

Raymond (Ray) Penasse of Garden Village was shocked when he matched five of five cards to win $100,000 in the Nov. 13 Poker Lotto draw.
“I was at the store when I asked the clerk to validate my POKER LOTTO ticket,” said Penasse to OLG.
“I had hoped to win a Free Play. Suddenly, the lottery terminal froze. I was shocked and knew I must have won something big. The clerk said, ‘You won $100,000!’ and my response was, ‘Right on!’ I never expected to win something like this, but I was hoping!”
The skilled trades worker has been a regular lottery player with OLG since he was old enough to play.
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“I texted my wife to share the good news,” Penasse told OLG.
“Her response was, ‘No way!’ I sent her a photo of the slip I received at the store, but I still had to show her the ticket when I got home for her to believe me.”
Penasse already has plans for his win.
“I plan to use this money to build a fully equipped, insulated garage that I can enjoy year-round,” he told OLG. “I’ll also save some for retirement and share with my wife, kids, and grandkids.”
The winning ticket was bought at Esso Convenience Store on Second Ave. in Coniston.

Samuel Asante is $96,613.40 richer after winning a Lotto Max second prize in the Nov. 5 draw.
The Brampton human resources consultant and father of two has been playing the lottery with OLG for years and previously won $6,000 with Lotto Max.
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“I took my ticket to the store to have it validated,” Asante told OLG. “That’s when the clerk told me I’d won big. I was shocked and overjoyed. It was an emotional moment that left me in disbelief.”
Asante’s wife was also gobsmacked.
“I told my wife about my win, and she couldn’t believe it either,” he told OLG. “She checked the winning numbers online to make sure I’d really won. Once she was convinced it was true, she was very happy and excited.”
Asante plans to add some of his winnings to his savings and looks forward to sharing with his family and children over the holidays.
“If you win, I encourage you to share with others and put a smile on their faces too,” he added to OLG.
The winning ticket was bought at Pine Valley Convenience on Willis Road in Vaughan.
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Roger Amigo of Woodbridge saw his Daily Keno 8 Pick result in a $50,000 win in the Nov. 26, evening draw, and his Daily Keno 6 pick win another $2,000 win
“I was at the store when I discovered my win,” Amigo told OLG. “I was nervous, but calm, and of course, very happy! It was a joyful moment, but it also felt unreal. I shared the good news with my wife, and I think she was happier than I was.”
Amigo, a brazer or welding assembler, has been playing the lottery with OLG weekly for three years.
The father of one, who chooses his own numbers which reflect special family birthdays and anniversaries, has yet to decide what he will do with his windfall.
His winning ticket was bought at Woodstream Convenience on Woodstream Blvd. in Woodbridge.
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