Fortnite’s weekly quests cover a massive range of activities, from collecting particular weapon types to visiting and destroying structures. Occasionally, the tasks get even more specific, with objectives like hitting demons with vehicles appearing with their respective XP rewards.
How to find a vehicle in Fortnite
Finding a vehicle in Fortnite is easy, as they appear all around the map, including in nearly every major landmark. Most landmarks have at least one, with nearby POIs and unmarked locations also having car spawns. If you’re lucky, you may even find a vehicle or two along the side of a road.
Fortnite features multiple vehicle types, ranging from the speedy Whiplash car to motorcycles. For the sake of this weekly quest, it doesn’t matter which one you use as long as you grab any vehicle type and hit a few demons.
How to find demons in Fortnite
Now for the challenging part: finding demons to hit with your newly acquired vehicle. During your matches, you’ll find small samurai mask icons on your map, indicating the locations of demon groups. There are seven predetermined spawns, with each game randomly choosing between three.

By visiting these samurai masks, you’ll find a portal and three demons patrolling the area. Hitting all three once will give you three points toward the objective, allowing you to turn around quickly, repeat it once, and finish your weekly quest. They’ll only turn hostile with the first hit, so you can take some time to aim your drive. Just be careful of nearby players who are also looking to complete this objective.
You can also find a larger samurai mask icon representing a mini-boss spawn. If you’re near one of these, you can quickly run over and hit the boss a few times with your car. You’re not required to do this, but it’s a solid alternative if you suspect other players have beaten you to the portals.