Friday, Jan. 17: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: Stand with him or with us; If you support Trump over Canada, get the hell out! Warren Kinsella column, Jan. 9
Boy, Warren, you really have a chip on your shoulder about Donald Trump. Did it ever occur to you that Trump’s bravado is all about Justin Trudeau? He wants nothing to do with him and is looking forward to actually dealing with an adult whom he can work with.
The stunt Trudeau pulled was uncalled for, and what he should have done, if he were serious about stepping down, would have been to call an election. He knows he wouldn’t win and he wants to blame someone else for losing. Proroguing simply allows the Liberals the right to rule with impunity.
Trump isn’t going to wage war against the U.S.’s closest partner, so knock off the fearmongering as you sound like a Liberal … again. Just because someone supports Trump doesn’t mean that they are against Canada.
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Trump threatened tariffs in order to force the Canadian government to get off their duffs and secure our borders, and that is on Trudeau. He sure as heck wasn’t listening to Canadians, so someone had to get his attention. Once that is dealt with, our new PM can sit down and work with the U.S. on other issues.
Re: Identity assassins; Trudeau started killing Canada — now Trump’s trying to finish job, Jan. 9
Sun scribe Joe Warmington hit it out of the park, exposing Justin Trudeau for what he really is: a Canadian history revisionist, lecturing us for over nine years on how we should all be ashamed of our past.
Using his Liberal party woke agenda, many of our country’s statues have been removed or mothballed, and the words to our national anthem were changed, and nobody said a thing because, if you did, you would be labelled a racist, misogynist dinosaur.
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Conform or be cast out.
The only reason Donald Distraction keeps talking about Panama, Canada and Greenland and renaming the Gulf of Mexico is because the president-elect has no idea on how he will lower grocery and gas prices after Inauguration Day.
For a guy who campaigned on ending global conflicts, it’s odd that he’s now talking about creating wars in North America.
Your letters are welcome, at: Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.
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