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Re: Why Windsor wants to kill tunnel bus, high school ‘extras’ (Jan. 15)
I have read with interest the news about Windsor’s upcoming budget deliberations, with the mayor and council considering elimination of the tunnel bus.
It is a vital thread in the fabric of the region.
I have been a frequent user of the service since 1979. Although I live part-time in Woodstock, Ont., I keep a residence in downtown Detroit.
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I am blind from birth, hence do not drive. The tunnel bus affords me and others without access to a vehicle an independence to, as they used to advertise, “take a trip abroad.”
This convenience works two ways. Many is a time I have been returning to Canada and the bus passengers have been coming to Windsor to check Canada out. Going to the casino, exploring the picturesque waterfront or partaking of the fine restaurants are just a few reasons I have heard for taking the ride.
I understand times are tough, but perhaps the stress can be eased by just visiting the other side of the border.
Raise fares if you must, but please keep the service.
Marianne Park Ruffin
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