Summer Game Fest, the Geoff Keighley-front heir apparent to E3, will return once again this year from Friday 6th to Monday 9th June.
The event will kick off with the annual Summer Game Fest livestream on Friday 6th June at 10pm UK time (that’s 5pm Eastern or 2pm Pacific).
Whether you’re watching at home or in the audience at the YouTube Theatre in Los Angeles, you should expect “video game announcements, surprises and reveals” lasting two hours.
The following days will then once again see journalists and content creators report back from Summer Game Fest: Play Days, the event’s hands-on portion for those invited.
A new component this year is a business-to-business portion featuring top brass from gaming and entertainment companies discussing “the key changes, challenges and opportunities facing the global video game industry” and celebrating the medium’s cultural impact. This is being co-run by Chris Dring, former boss of Eurogamer sister site
Separate to all of that, you should expect this period to also contain the usual mix of platform holder and publisher updates. Last year brought livestreams and media briefings from Xbox, Ubisoft and Nintendo, plus the PC Gaming Show, the consumer-focused IGN Live event, the indie-focused Day of the Devs show and the annual summer update from Devolver.