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Carney’s the guy
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We all know Mark Carney will be the next leader of the Liberal party. Trudeau and Gerald Butts have decreed it. Carney is currently trying to distance himself from Trudeau, even avoiding any direct mention of the carbon tax or his beloved consumption tariffs. Meanwhile the environment minister, Steven Guilbeault stated that he would be forced to resign if the liberals were to eliminate the carbon tax. Well, he hasn’t resigned, and he now backs Carney over his old tax-and-spend colleague Chrystia Freeland. So, what deal did Carney make with Guilbeault? Will there be a carbon tax in disguise? Carney may call it a consumption levy or try to focus on taxing big emitters. However, we all know when any new tax is implemented, we consumers pay. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice and we pay the price.
Elaine Elliott-Burns
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(If we get fooled into another Liberal government we deserve what we get.)
Pack up, council
Here’s a memo to councillor Walcott, Penner, Mian, Mayor Gondek, and all other woke people on clowncil, you want the funds for the Green Line, then do it the proper way not your fantasies about underground tunnels. This is what the Provincial Government has advised, mayor and council, and they don’t like it one bit. Councillor Mian is taking her ball and going home, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Take a cue all the rest of you and leave.
Bruce Haynes
(Being frustrated by the state the Green Line is in seems like the right reaction. It just happens to be one that council could have avoided.)
Keep our water clean
Fluoride must only be added to toothpaste, as such it would give the consumer the choice to buy the product with or without fluoride.
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It is common knowledge that fluoride is a poison, and that it contains carcinogens, which must never ever be ingested. The idea to dispense fluoride through the drinking water, is nothing short of criminal. The companies that want to add fluoride to our water, aren’t they the least bit concerned about any health issues? All they are interested in is the money they can make.
Caspar Pfenninger
(You can filter it out.)
RV Dwellers
So the city of Calgary is going to pander to the displaced illegal parking RV Dwellers. When I had an RV I had 48 hours to move it before I got ticketed. Now, can I expect the same treatment from the city to find a house to rent and have my rent subsidized? Same treatment for all citizens in the city of Calgary, period.
Allan Horne
(If they could house everyone I am sure they would. Just have to get more affordable housing built.)
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