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Localcircles: The survey reveals that 52% of personal health insurance policy owners have seen their insurance premium increase by over 25% in the past one year
Over two in three health insurance policy holders confirmed their premium increased 50-200% cumulatively over the past three years, according to a LocalCircles survey.
The survey received over 35,000 responses from citizens located in 329 districts of India. While 69% respondents were men, 31% respondents were women. A total of 41% respondents were from tier 1, 26% from tier 2 and 33% respondents were from tier 3 and 4 districts.
The survey asked health insurance policy holders, “How much has your annual health insurance premium increased in the past one year?”
To gauge what has been the impact of rising insurance premiums, the survey asked policy holders, “How much has your annual health insurance premium cumulatively increase in the last 3 years i.e. from 2021 to 2024?”
The question received 17,914 responses with 8% stating “by 200% or more”; 16% stating “by 150%-200%”; 13% stating “by 100%-150%”; 30% stating “by 50%-100%”; and 26% stating “by 0-50%”. In addition, 4% of respondents stated that “it has actually stayed same or reduced in the last 3 years” while 3% of respondents stated that they are “not aware as it is all paid by employers”.
In summary, the survey reveals that 52% of personal health insurance policy owners have seen their insurance premium increase by over 25% in the past one year. What is more alarming is that over two in three health insurance policy holders surveyed confirm that their premium increased 50-200% cumulatively over the last 3 years, possibly due to the payout the insurance companies had to do during the pandemic and after.
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