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Premier Smith, Alberta does not need a fentanyl czar. The people of Alberta need a new premier who knows how to manage money, not spend it on government or subsidizing private business. Alberta PCs have a long, sordid history of blowing billions. Largely, money generated by farmers and oil producers.
Abram Wiebe
(Many Albertans would take issue with the ‘sordid history’ remark.)
Mayor’s hollow gesture
Dear Mayor: Your decision to freeze council’s wages for a year rings so hollow after accepting this year’s increase. Particularly with this being an election year. You cannot fool the electorate like you did once. And, while the courts ruled you had the right to blanket rezone, that does not make it the right thing to do. If you really listened, you would have voted against blanket rezoning. Then there is: climate emergency, paper bags, official bird, rebranding Calgary. Priorities?
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Harry Robinson
(We’ll take the pay freeze, but your point is well taken.)
Taxing debate
There are three taxes on fuel. There is a federal tax, a provincial tax, and the carbon tax. The federal tax and the provincial tax offer no rebates. The carbon tax just put $405 into our bank account. Can someone explain to me why, of the three taxes, people want to axe the tax that costs the most Canadians the least money?
Martin Watts
(Because it’s a cause of inflation in recent times.)
Can’t fault all Americans
A question for folks who are booing the U.S. anthem at sports events. Are you really booing every American, or are you really booing the buffoon at the top? You can’t fault them all for what he is doing. And you can’t fault them for electing him. If you could justify that, then start booing the Canadian anthem too. We have made the same mistake three times and have had the same buffoon sock boy for nine years. I don’t hear you booing our anthem at Flames games.
Paul McKay
(Good point.)
Is Freeland a leader?
Ms. Freeland wants to become PM. Her priorities should be defending this nation as in times of war with a strong military, and strong border protection to control who enters and leaves. President Trump said we do not do this effectively and wants to impose a 25% tariff against our goods. Ms. Freeland’s answer is not to strengthen our military or border control but to come up with retaliatory tariffs. Is this leadership?
Mike Swann
(Our military and border definitely need to be strengthened.)
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