Osgood Perkins is on a bit of a roll right now with Longlegs and The Monkey, two of the best horror movies of the last five years. He’s just pitched something in the Star Wars universe concerning Darth Vader that would be totally unlike anything we’ve seen from a galaxy far, far away thus far.
Answering fan questions in a Reddit AMA, someone asked Perkins if there’s a story he wishes he had the money and technology to make into a movie. His answer: “The collected dreams and nightmares of Darth Vader told as short stories.”
Now there’s an interesting idea. Something that goes deep on the psychology of the iconic Star Wars villain, exploring what’s bubbling away in the recesses of his mind, all depicted through surreal dream logic where anything can happen and nothing is safe.
All Anakin’s sadness and rage; at losing his mother and Padmé and his contempt for the Jedi, the unending pain of his injuries, and whatever influence the Emperor holds over his psyche. It’d put one of the most well-known and beloved characters in cinema history in a new light, that’s for sure.
Perkins would be the perfect filmmaker for such a production too, having proven his mastery of tone in the psychological mystery of Longlegs and the absurdist horror in The Monkey. And further back in his career, in The Blackcoat’s Daughter and Gretel and Hansel as well.
Look, Disney, we don’t ask for much. While the goings on from a long, long time ago are in a quieter period, maybe branch out for Darth Vader: Dreams and Nightmares? We’re sure Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman would agree, it sounds excellent.
Alas, it’s probably not one to expect on the slate of upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows, at least for now. The next upcoming movie from Perkins is Keeper, another horror due later this year, meanwhile the Empire is under threat as the Andor season 2 release date is just around the corner.