By FAITH HUFFMAN Managing Editor huffman@ ssnewstelegram. com Sulphur Springs City Council will have their work cut out for them this month, with two meetings slated Tuesday and at least one more work session a week later.
The elected officials are slated to begin their evening of service at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 6 with a budget workshop, where they will discuss the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget as presented by city staff.
After the lengthy work session, the City Council then is slated to enter into the regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
The agenda for the regular session is three pages long, and includes two proclamations, six resolutions, two ordinance proposals, a grant, capital improvement plan changes, bids for water and wastewater treatment services, an executive session for topics related to two additional phases of development at the old Thermo mine property, reinsurance contract, design servcies contract, grant and license plate reader cameras and a mineral rights lease agreement.
The City Council is being asked to consider approving on second reading Ordinance No. 2859, which would allow developers to apply for a Planned Unit Development. PUDs should allow for more than one type of zoning withina particular development, without having to apply per section. For instance, someone could plan construction of an area that would include a shopping strip mixed uses as well as some residential units, as part of one plan, instead of having to get approval for each different type of use, as has been city policy. This came about to allow the City Council to authorized a 380 agreement with a developer to construct a destination village-type development at the Thermo Mine property. The developer is performing the feasibility of creating a mixed-use development on part of the land that was donated to the City in 2019. In order to accommodate this request, the city needs to adopt a PUD ordinance that allows for greater flexibility in zoning to accommodate these types of developments.
A ‘PUD’ may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilization or diversification that could not be achieved under conventional zoning approaches. This type of tool will accommodate coordinated developments such as ‘Master Planned Communities’ that can define the character of a development with intended outcomes specified as a standalone ordinance.
Although there is greater flexibility with this tool, procedures are established to ensure against the misuse of this approach. This tool should be used for Master Planning purposes, carrying out specific goals of a Comprehensive Plan, public private partnerships, City Council strategic focus areas, development of mixed use, transit oriented or traditional neighborhoods with a variety of uses and housing types and/or to preserve natural features, opens space and other features of the land.
Proposed for first reading is an ordinace amending the annual budget ordiannce for 2023-2024.
Among the resolutions proposed are thosewhich would authorize an interlocal agreement for cyber liability and data breach response, a water contingency plan, appoint directors and a chairman for Sulphur Springs Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone #1 Board of Directors, authorizing the mayor to apply for and accept a Catalytic Converter Grant award through the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, authorizing the city manager to execute a multiuse agreement allowing installation and operation of automated license plate reader camera in Texas Department of Transporation right-ofways, and a mineral rights lease to Texas Lone Star Brine LLC on behalf of Standard Lithium.
The City Council will also be asked to consider amending the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan to include additional curb replacement on Holiday Drive and Alabama Street, and adjustments for increased costs of materials and labor since the plan was adopted.
The agenda also calls for discussion of proposals and awarding of a contract for reinsurance for the city employee health plan insurance plan program; and a contract between the city and Kimley Horn for design services for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grant for Buford Park Miracle League Field.