On Tuesday, AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu confirmed their split. Lawyer Vandana Shah issued an official statement about the same that read, “After many years of marriage, Mrs Saira and her husband Mr AR Rahman have made the difficult decision to separate from each other.”
Oscar Award-winning music director AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu, on Tuesday, announced their separation after 29 years of marriage. While Saira Banu made an official statement through her lawyer, AR Rahman took to his Twitter account to break the heartbreaking news to his fans. AR Rahman shared a separate statement on X (formerly Twitter) regarding the separation. While fans offered their support, some also trolled him for using the hashtag ‘#arrsairaabreakup’ with his statement announcing the separation.
AR Rahman’s statement read, “We had hoped to reach the grand thirty, but all things, it seems, carry an unseen end. Even the throne of God might tremble at the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this shattering, we seek meaning, though the pieces may not find their place again. To our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we walk through this fragile chapter. #arrsairaabreakup.”
While AR Rahman’s statement was emotional, netizens thought he didn’t have to use a hashtag, especially while asking for privacy.
On Tuesday, AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu confirmed their split. Lawyer Vandana Shah issued an official statement about the same that read, “After many years of marriage, Mrs Saira and her husband Mr AR Rahman have made the difficult decision to separate from each other.”
For the unversed, ace musician AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu got married in March 1995. The couple are parents to three children, two daughters, Khatija and Rahima, and a son named Ameen Rahman.